Cooperation between CTC/CTED and UNODC/TPB on Implementing the Legal Regime against Terrorism Briefing by Cecilia Ruthström-Ruin Deputy Director of the Division for Treaty Affairs and Chief of the Terrorism Prevention Branch New York 30 April 2009
Technical Assistance by TPB Based on: GA resolutions (63/129 and 63/175), including the UN Global C-T Strategy (60/288) Guided by: Security Council Resolutions Assistance to countries, upon request: For the ratification and incorporation into national legislation of the 16 international legal instruments related to terrorism For strengthening the capacity of national criminal justice systems to implement these instruments in full conformity with RoL
2003 – 2009: Global reach Activities January 2003- April 2009 January-December 2008 Total of Member States assisted 164 129 Total of Member States provided with legislative drafting assistance 77 45 Number of regional and sub-regional workshops 66 16 Number of criminal justice officials trained 8,150 1,600
Technical assistance tools and publications A dozen technical assistance tools and substantive publications, including Legislative database ( Legislative guide to the universal anti-terrorism conventions and protocols Model legislative provisions against terrorism Handbook on criminal justice responses to terrorism Under preparation: Digest of terrorism cases for legal practitioners Manual on international judicial co-operation in terrorist cases International legal framework for combating nuclear terrorism Frequently asked questions to international law aspects relating to counter-terrorism Analytical studies on anti-terrorism legislation in different regions
TPB Field-based experts \
PARTNERSHIPS European Union Organization Internationale de la Francophonie OSCE African Union ASEAN Organization of the Islamic Conference Southern African Development Community Commonwealth Secretariat League of Arab States ECOWAS Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Intergovernmental Authority on Development Organization for American States
Delivering as “One UN” 7
Working with the Counter-Terrorism Committee and its Executive Directorate Distinct functions, complementary and mutually supportive UNODC/TPB: Functions: Technical Assistance Delivery including: - Legal Assessments - Reporting Assistance CTC/CTED: Functions: Normative Policy Monitoring Technical Assistance Facilitation
2003 – 2009: Results and Outcomes New ratifications by TPB-assisted countries 482 New/revised CT legislation by TPB-assisted countries 62 23 adopted 39 drafting completed Enhanced CT legal implementation capacity through trained officials More than 120 countries
Enhanced ratification assistance Way forward Enhanced ratification assistance Enhanced assistance for legislative implementation Enhanced assistance for capacity building – new approaches
Way forward (continued) In-depth tailor-made country focused assistance Enhanced thematic specialisation Cross-cutting approach
TPB Online training course
Addressing cross-cutting issues of crime, drugs and terrorism prevention Specialised services for strengthening the legal regime against terrorism TPB mandates Services for addressing cross-cutting issues – UNODC mandates + Criminal Justice Reform AML/ CFT Combating Organised Crime and illicit drug trafficking Preventing Corruption Emerging Treats (identity- Related crime/ cyber Crime) Internat. Coop. In Criminal Matters
Further strengthening of cooperation between UNODC/TPB and CTC/CTED Enhanced substantive collaboration by CTC/CTED in support of TA delivery (including among the respective regional teams and the respective substantive teams of UNODC and CTED) Enhanced support by UNODC/TPB to promote the common strategy for non reporting/ late-reporting States of the 3 SC Committees Joint action within the CTITF, in particular the I-ACT initiative
Securing continued support by Member States Funding & Implementation Overview US$ million TPB Donors: Austria Belgium Canada Colombia Denmark France Germany Greece Italy Japan Liechtenstein Monaco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey UK USA
2009: Funding Requirements 2008 funding carried over to 2009 (activities in initial months): $5 million Estimated 2009 expenditures/requirements: $10 million New contributions required for 2009 expenditures: 2009 funding for 2010 activities in initial months: Total 2009 new contributions/funding required:
For information, please contact: UNODC HQ UNODC New York Liaison Office Tel: + 43 1 26060 5604 (TPB) Tel: 43 1 26060 7227 (Andrea Treso) Fax: + 43 1 26060 5968 Fax: + 43 1 26060 4185 E-mail: E-mail: Web: