SB 2.24. Rear Window. Screening Day 3 Objectives: I will formulate a response to film using the assumptions of Feminist Criticism so I can compare and contrast the roles of men and women in a film. You will need the following for today’s lesson: SpringBoard Book Rear Window Screening Day 3 Handout
SB 2.24. Rear Window: Screening Day 3 As you watch the third segment (1:18:37 – 1:52:11) of Rear Window, complete the chart and the questions on your Screening Day 3 handout. We will stop every fifteen minutes or so for your to record findings. You will turn in this handout for a quiz grade. For the chart: Film Techniques: What film techniques underscore/portray the dominant patriarchal culture? Refer to p. 133-134. Cinematic Techniques: How do cinematic techniques such as dialogue, vocal delivery, props, sets, costumes, and makeup, help you answer the following questions: How are women presented? How are men presented? How is their relationship presented?
SB 2.24. Rear Window: Screening Day 3 Recap: Was Thorwald guilty? Why did Thorwald kill the dog? Why didn’t Stella and Lisa find anything buried in the garden? What happens to Miss Lonelyhearts? What happens to the couple that sleeps on the fire escape? How does the film end?
SB 2.24. Rear Window: Screening Day 3 Independently, spend 10 – 12 minutes completing questions 1 – 7. On a separate sheet of paper, respond to the writing prompt on the back of your handout in at least 5-7 sentences. When you are finished, staple your response to your handout and turn it in for a quiz grade.