STATE TEST DATA SPRING 2012 Report to SSD School Board
Considerations Annual Measurable Objectives are the same as last year: Language Arts AMO: 82.88% Math AMO: 74.57% 10 th grade HSGQE and SBA results are separated even though the test is the same Subgroups require 25 students before results are shared AMO: Annual Measurable Objective – the percent of students that must be Proficient to meet AYP
Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) Baranof/Keet Gooshi Heen Elementary Schools (Level 3) and REACH made AYP Blatchley Middle School (Level 4) Language Arts: Alaska Native, Low Income, and Special Education Math: Alaska Native, Asian, Low Income, and Special Education Sitka High School (Level 2) Math: Alaska Native and Low Income Pacific High School (Level 2) Language Arts: >25 Math: >25 Level 1: Alert / Levels 2 & 3: School Improvement Status / Level 4: Corrective Actions
Standards Based Assessment (SBA)
SBA SSD Compared to State Reading % Proficient Except for a 2% difference in grade 9, a higher number of SSD students scored Proficient- Advanced in Reading than the number of students from around the state.
SBA SSD Compared to State Writing % Proficient Except for a 1- 2% difference in grades 6 and grade 9, a higher number of Sitka students scored Proficient- Advanced in Writing than the number of students from around the state.
SBA SSD Compared to State Math % Proficient A higher number of Sitka students scored Proficient- Advanced in Math at the elementary and 8 th grade level than the number of students from around the state.
SBA SSD Compared to State Science % Proficient Except for 10 th grade, a higher number of Sitka students scored Proficient- Advanced in Science than the number of students from around the state at all grade levels.
BES/KGH: SBA % Proficient/Advanced
BMS: SBA % Proficient/Advanced
SHS: SBA % Proficient/Advanced
SSD: SBA % Proficient/Advanced
: % Proficient/Advanced In all content areas, the same or a higher number of SSD students scored Proficient – Advanced than the number of SSD students from the previous year.
High School Graduation Qualifying Exam (HSGQE)
HSGQE SSD/Alaska: % Proficient In all areas, an equal or higher number of SSD 10 th grade students scored Proficient than 10 th grade students who were Proficient from around the state.
HSGQE: % Proficient
HSGQE: % Proficient In all areas, a higher %age of 10 th grade students scored Proficient in 2012 than the %age of 10 th grade students who scored Proficient in 2011.
HSGQE: Trend Data ( )
An Examination of Low Income Status and Academic Achievement During the 4-year period from 2009/10 to 2012/13, SSD showed an increase of 86 Low Income students
Low Income 2009/10 to 2012/13
National Center for Children in Poverty Age 4: Children below poverty line are 18 months below peers, and gaps still present at 10 years old 3rd Grade: Low-income/under-educated parents = 4,000 words High-income/well-educated parents = 12,000 words Not Stereotypical Families: A significant number of families face economic hardships even if short-lived Average low income parent is a single, working parent with 1-3 children Low academic achievement is closely correlated with low income status
Low Income 2012
Low Income Trend (2006 to 2012) In SSD Low Income status is negatively impacting academic progress of our students, and the trend is increasing over time.
STATE TEST DATA SPRING 2012 Report to SSD School Board