Eating Like a Cell - Bag is the cell membrane - You can only work from within the membrane - Your hands, the dental floss, and scissors are the organelles - Goal: Get the food inside the cell without ever creating a hole for the inside fluid to fall out. -Two pieces of food must be together and free floating for you/the cell to be able to eat.
Cell Features 1. Cell Theory 1. All living things are made of one or more cells 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in organism 3. All cells arise from existing cells
Cell Features Cont. 2. Cells Gotta Be Small!! Why? (Nash: bgrm, smlrm activity) - small cells = high Surface to volume ratio - small cells = high Surface to volume ratio - can get to everything, communicate much quicker - If ever asked why are cells small, your answer is to have high surface to volume ratio!
Pro vs. Eu How Cells work Pro vs. Eu How Cells work Pro vs. Eu How Cells work Pro vs. Eu How Cells work
Cell Features Cont. 3. Two Types of Cells: Prokaryote - smallest and simplest (very small) -single cells only -Example: Bacteria - lack membrane bound organelle (nothing on the inside has its own membrane) Eukaryote - eu = true - kary = nucleus - Everything except bacteria - cells have true nucleus and other membrane bound organelle bound organelle - Examples: human cell, plant Cells, animal Cells Together draw picture on the board of Pro and Euk Cell Organelle – structure with a specialized function inside a cell
Better Size Comparison Pro: (Bact only) DNA but no nucleus Ribosomes Flagellum 1/10 th the size Euk: (any but bact) DNA in a nucleus Ribosomes Flagellum Chloroplast & Mito 10x the size
Cells at work Gaggle tube video – Immunity at work by a cell Gaggle tube video – Immunity at work by a cell Gaggle tube video – Immunity at work by a cell Gaggle tube video – Immunity at work by a cell Paramecium at work Paramecium at work Paramecium at work Paramecium at work
efurl= 4&um=1&usg=__hgtBxS6jVrzjbN9OyDwgICeDJds=&tbnid=IXWsNpEjFuwLjM:&altq=plant+and+animal+ cells,animal+cells,&tbnh=70&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danimal%2Bcell%2Bvs%2Bplant%2Bcel l%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den Two Types of Eukaryotic Cells: Animal vs. Plant Cells (if can under eukaryotic) Animal Cell -Shape is flexible because it has NO cell wall -Has NO chloroplast, and therefore are not green Plant Cell - Shape is rigid because it has a cell wall -Has chloroplast, where light is caught Much more to come later....
4. Cell Membranes – all cells have A. Multiple Names 1. Cell Membrane 2. Plasma Membrane 3. Semi-Permiable Membrane 4. Phospholipid Bilayer Polar head and non-polar tails hydrophilic and hydrophobic Does one of these things look familiar?
B. Proteins embedded in bilayer 1.Helps “stuff” move in and out of cells stuff = sugar, K+, Na+, steroids, hormones stuff – molecules, ions
Organelle Analogy Activity Ted's animated cell Ted's animated cell Ted's animated cell Ted's animated cell
Organelle (Sx & Fxn or What do they look like, and what is their job?) Ribosome Ribosome Mitochondria Mitochondria Chloroplast Chloroplast Vacuole Vacuole Flagellum Flagellum Cilia Cilia Cell Membrane Cell Membrane Cell Wall Cell Wall
What happens when you put a bunch of cells together? Cells tissue organ organ system organisms ls.htm&usg=__1dk- xqKJTqoNPao7vV9fLn8ofS0=&h=909&w=725&sz=63&hl=en&start=24&sig2=w24rwijJjPbuVfDVSYfaVA&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=WtofC84nqnAghM:&tbnh=147&tbnw=117&prev=/images %3Fq%3Dcell%2Borganization%26start%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=VuqfTLDhHMT48Ab8zpCUDQ
A. B. C E. F. D. This is that thing that controls the amount of light that hits the slide
Looking at Cells Magnification Magnification Ocular Lens X Objective Lens Resolution Resolution Is it blurry? High Resolution is not blurry
Types of Microscope (Read up on own) (for each know what you can see, and why you can see it that way) 1. Compound Light Microscope 2. Transmission Electron Microscope, TEM 3. Scanning Electron Microscope 4. Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Organelle and Pro vs Euk Quiz What is it that eukaryotes have that prokaryotes do not? What is it that eukaryotes have that prokaryotes do not? What is the function of the following organelle: What is the function of the following organelle: –Nucleus-- Mitochondria –Plasma membrane -- Vacuoles –Ribosomes-- Chloroplast