God called Allah Islam
Began in SW Asia All
Have different sects All
Believe in salvation through Christ Christianity
Have sacred writings All
Worship in a Synagogue Judaism
Fast during Yom Kippur Judaism
Holy book is Koran Islam
First led by a single person All
Believe in Holy Trinity Christianity
Monotheistic (one god) All
Followers are to be like Jesus Christianity
Worship in church Christianity
Worship leader is priest, pastor, or minister Christianity
Believe in 5 Pillars Islam
Holy day is Friday Islam
Moses is most important prophet Judaism
Believe in helping the needy All
Worship led by rabbi Judaism
The cross is the symbol of this religion Christianity
Jerusalem is holy city All
Believe in God of Abraham All
Worship leader is imam Islam
Holy book is Torah (TeNaKh) Judaism
Worship in mosque Islam
Holy book has Hebrew prophets All
It was led by a single person All
Most important prophet is Muhammad Islam
Its story is one of exile Judaism
Holy day is Sunday Christianity