Differentiation Redland Elementary School Leslie Mattox December, 2013 Focusing on the Learner
All students need three things to learn: cknowledgement of diversity Acknowledgement of diversity Teachers should understand each student as an individual. Encouragement of curiosity Teachers should not “deliver” information but rather encourage students to wonder and WANT to know more. Engagement of creativity Teachers should awaken and develop the power for creativity in learning. Plan lessons with opportunities for creative problem solving and expression. Differentiated instruction can meet these learning needs.
Purpose of differentiation To meet students individual learning needs - diversity All students need appropriate level and pacing of work – diversity and curiosity Some students need greater depth, breadth, and complexity than the standard curriculum provides – curiosity and creativity
Differentiation is a mindset - NOT just: A collection of strategies Simply offering choice Group work Essential Elements: o Specific classroom management techniques with flexible use of time, space, student groups (tiers), anchoring activities, differentiated instructional strategies and assessments.
How and when to differentiate Areas where I can differentiate my instruction… Content Process Product Environment According to the student’s... Readiness Interest Learning Style *Consider planned instructional strategies such as interest centers, learning centers, mini- lessons, and independent study as determined by pre-assessments.
Differentiation is planned Proactively rather than reactively Be prepared but be flexible to make modifications later.
Differentiation is learner centered The teacher focuses on individual learning needs. Accelerate Compact Tier Students who achieve mastery in one math skill may not in another skill.
Main Ideas (Essential Understandings) to Remember Content Process Product Environment Readiness Interest Learning Style Diversity Curiosity Creativity
Now What? Have one more meeting to discuss a DI lesson for an upcoming skill for your subject area. You will teach the lesson and turn in a copy of your final lesson plan. Let me know if I can provide additional help.
What have I done for you lately? 1. Tiered Lesson Examples,Template, and Bloom’s Tiered Questions and Assignments 2. Choice Boards, Tic-tac-toes, and Teacher Comments 3. Cubing Examples and Teacher Comments 4. Learning Contract Examples, Templates, and Teacher Comments 5. Exit Card Examples, Template, and Teacher Comments 6. Examples of Open and Closed Rubrics
References Karnes and Stephens, 2008 Sir Ken Robinson, 2013 Adams and Pierce, 2010