Mother’s visit is a precious opportunity for all the sisters to strengthen their bond of unity with the Centre of the Congregation and revive the sense of belonging to the Institute and to the Church.
This is the day, the Lord has made Let us rejoice and be glad This is the day, the Lord has made So let us rejoice, It’s beautiful day A beautiful day, It’s beautiful day A beautiful day. Ch: Hearty Welcome to you Dear Mother Ernestine For the gift you are to us With grateful hearts our praises we bring Hearty Welcome to you Dear Mother Ernestine For the gift you are to us With grateful hearts our song we will sing You are a gift, a wonderful gift Given to us from up above You are a gift, a wonderful gift So let us give thanks To Our wonderful God, He’s our Wonderful God, a wonderful God Hearty Welcome
Sr. Annie, Sr. Prudenzia Sr. Rose Mary Sr. Nora Sr. Shony Sr. Pushpa Sr. Bhavna Sr. Manisha
Thank you Mother For this time of grace …… Thank you …..