Fall IB Orientation Diploma Program Priscilla Biddle Coordinator Henrico High School
Review of the Program: Mission Statement The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
The Learner Profile IB learners strive to be: Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective
The Program
Theory of Knowledge Core of the program –How do we know what we know? –How is knowledge produced? –What is the difference between belief and knowledge? –How do the four ways of knowing work together? –What degree or certainty or obstacles to certainty do we have in a given subject? –How can we overcome some of this uncertainty to declare knowledge?
Creativity, Action and Service Graduated involvement that focuses on Learner Outcomes: increase their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth undertake new challenges plan and initiate activities work collaboratively with others show perseverance and commitment in their activities engage with issues of global importance consider the ethical implications of their actions develop new skills
Our CAS Process Students must have four goals each year in grades 11 and 12 Goals must address all of the 8 outcomes and each of the three categories -- creativity, action, service – must be represented at least once Students must also have a cooperative project between grades 11 and 12 Current activities such as sports, music lessons, religious training, such as for confirmation or bar/bat mitzvah, count; there just has to be a goal/rationale behind the activity.
ManageBac System Subscription Online subscription service created by former IB students and teachers Management system originally for CAS Expanded to all areas of submissions Must have an address Convenient, paperless, no more “lost” papers!
Extended Essay The extended essay is: compulsory for all Diploma Program students externally assessed and, in combination with the grade for theory of knowledge, contributes up to three points to the total score for the IB diploma a piece of independent research/investigation on a topic chosen by the student in cooperation with a supervisor in the school chosen from the list of approved Diploma Program subjects, published in the Vade Mecum presented as a formal piece of scholarship containing no more than 4,000 words the result of approximately 40 hours of work by the student
The Extended Essay and TOK Matrix
Extended Essay Support Seminars start in February for juniors; October is EE month for seniors Support through TOK, junior and senior years Blog Library website Classroom instruction by librarians Access to VCU and UR libraries and databases Subject teacher support Supervisor
Our Curriculum Grade 11, Year 1 Language A1: English HL, Year 1 of 2 Language B1: Year 4 or 5 SL, Spanish or French History of the Americas HL, Year 1 of 2 Experimental Science –Biology SL –Chemistry SL or HL Mathematics –Extended Math –Mathematics SL or Math Studies SL Arts or Elective –Psychology SL or HL, Theatre Arts SL or HL, Visual Arts HL or Other IB science Theory of Knowledge
Our Curriculum Grade 12, Year 2 Language A1: English HL, Year 2 of 2 Language B1: Year 5 SL or 6 HL/SL, Spanish or French World Topics HL, Year 2 of 2 Experimental Science –Chemistry SL or HL Mathematics –Mathematics SL or Math Studies SL Arts or Elective –Psychology SL or HL, Theatre Arts SL or HL, Visual Arts HL, Biology SL or Chemistry SL or HL Theory of Knowledge AP Electives: Physics, Calculus, Statistics, World History, Art History, Environmental science
Rigor and Workload IB curriculum is trans-disciplinary, high order thinking, open ended – content AND concept Paint by numbers Color in the lines Design your own Tests/projects/major assessments monitored through Google Calendar No more than 2 per day Multi-level classes may encounter problems Quizzes not monitored
AP vs. IB International Baccalaureate (IB) Advanced Placement (AP) International-emphasis on global perspectives Mostly US- more academic than philosophical From the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) Mission: Through challenging programs of international education and assessment, IBO seeks to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people, who will become compassionate citizens seeking a better and more peaceful world. The College Board Mission: To be a great educational organization dedicated to preparing, inspiring, and connecting students to college success and opportunity, with a commitment to excellence and equity. Holistic or Total Program- The IB Program is a course of study, encompassing six areas: English, history, science, foreign language, math and an IB- approved elective. Single Strength or Cafeteria Style in which students choose AP courses that fit their strengths and that are independent of one another. Students also take a class called Theory of Knowledge, write a senior research project called the Extended Essay, and complete CAS (Creativity, Action, and Service). No additional requirements More divergent- asks why more than what More Convergent- asks what more than why Graded World-wide Graded in US Many factors, such as papers, orals, and projects, in addition to the written exam, determine the final score (1-7) Score (1-5) hinges on the exam Emphasizes process and integration of content across content areas Content driven IB students may also sit for AP exams AP students may not sit for IB exams
Diploma Requirements TOK, CAS, Extended Essay Internal assessments Exams –Must have at least 3 Higher Level or 2-year courses English, history and visual arts are only offered at HL –Remainder are Standard Level courses Mathematics and Math Studies are only offered at SL Year 5 Language B must examine at SL Year 6 Language B, Psychology, Chemistry, and Theatre Arts may be EITHER HL or SL Language B and Theatre Arts are mandatory 2 year SL’s –May have 2 1-year Standard Level courses
More on Exams Exams start in junior year –Students may take up to 2 exams as “anticipated” candidates –Students taking biology, mathematics OR math studies MUST examine as juniors Exams finish in senior year Exams are always in May – May 2-22, 2012 Exam dates are irrefutable, unchangeable, and non- negotiableExam dates are irrefutable, unchangeable, and non- negotiable
Registration Will begin mid-October in seminar for seniors and juniors Visit to English class for seniors and juniors Students will select exams and level Parents must sign registration Registration verification is given to the student to sign Must be complete by November 8 Fines after November 15 No changes after January 15
College Credit and IB Scores IB Scores released July 6 Scores sent electronically to colleges based on student request Colleges grant credit differently. See their websites. All Virginia state institutions MUST grant credit for SL exams as they would AP exams due to recent legislation
Achieving the Diploma Must have submitted CAS, TOK, and EE (may earn points) If student passed both TOK and EE, may achieve with 24 of 42 points 12 of the 24 points must be in Higher Level No grade 1 in any subject No grade 2 in Higher Level No more than three grades of 3, generally Student who has failed EE or TOK OR who takes 4 HL exams must earn 28 points »No more than one grade 2 at Higher Level »No more than two grade 2’s at Standard Level »At least 11 points earned on Higher Level or 14 points if 4 HL exams taken
Support Documents “All About IB” IB required Policy Statements –Assessment –Academic honesty –Language –Special Needs »All can be found on the blog!!
Academic Honesty Initiative Visit Academic Honesty website, accessible through blogpage:
Support for parents and children Specified and communicated expectations and parent input “ All about IB” Blog Teacher course outlines and syllabi Community Advisory Council Communication Blog School Space s Seminars Enhance trans-disciplinary thinking Support TOK, EE and CAS Team leaders Keeping an eye out for crisis Recognizing student success Breakfasts Lunch in Presentation Room “Biddle Pass” College application process
Meet Ms. Terry College application process –SAT preparation Scholarship newsletter –Blog –School Website –In the counseling office
How parents can support us Program wide committees –Volunteer –Advisory Council Grade level committees –Breakfasts –Learner Profile Gift Bags –Silver Tray Ceremony (seniors)
Forms Volunteer forms Sign up sheets Phone number book mark College application process info Auction flier
Questions and Answers
Our Motto We think; therefore, we be.