BASIC RETENTION STEPS REACTIVE MODE 2 Weeks prior to the start of the billing period (usually 15 June or 15 December) – Dues first notice via US mail or e mail 1 month later – Dues second notice via US mail or e mail 1 month later – Knight Alert Notice (KA1). This step can be skipped if the member will not be suspended
BASIC RETENTION STEPS REACTIVE MODE 2 Weeks later or when the committee finishes, GK, Retention Chairman, Trustees, DGK, and FS should decide on actions needed. (Which members will be suspended if they do not pay dues this billing period) After the meeting – forms 1845 notice of Intent to Suspend are sent to members that will be suspended. NOTE – if a member will not be suspended, the 1845 should not be sent. The 1845 starts a 90 day clock. The DDs are required to call those that have had an 1845 submitted. 1 to 2 weeks later – Retention committee contact starts
The FSs should prepare a worksheet for the retention committee to use while contacting members. It contains information about the brother who may not be known to the retention committeeman. The worksheet list the dates that the dues notices were sent and any notes from the FS.
The financial secretary will provide the names, addresses, telephone numbers and amounts of delinquency for each member in arrears to the retention committee. EXCERPTS FROM PG 4 OF THE FS HANDBOOK
The top portion is populated with information about the brother by the Financial Secretary as he has the information and sends the first three notices. The dates and delivery methods of the notices are indicated on the worksheet. It has been updated for FY 2013 / 14.
The grand knight will assign a member of the retention committee to make personal contact with the delinquent member to remind him of his obligation. The committee member will provide a written report of his findings to the grand knight. EXCERPTS FROM PG 4 OF THE FS HANDBOOK
The retention committeeman puts his notes on the work sheet and returns it to the GK after contact or when all efforts at contact are exhausted. The GK, retention committee, trustees etc review the notice and appropriate council action is taken. 20 Feb 5:30PM NA both #s, 22 Feb 7:00 PM NA both #s 23 Feb 6:00 PM LMVM, 24 Feb 4:30 PM LMVM, 26 Feb 7:30 PM NA both #s 5 Mar 9:00 AM talked to him after Mass. Wants out of the order. Would not discuss the problem
If the council submits a 1845 “Notice of Intent to Suspend”, the GK gives the report to the DD. The report will serve as the trigger to you that the council retention work has been completed and your work is to start. You one of your District Wardens should call the member and document your findings on the report and send it to the State Retention Chairman (SRC). 20 Feb 5:30PM NA both #s, 22 Feb 7:00 PM NA both #s 23 Feb 6:00 PM LMVM, 24 Feb 4:30 PM LMVM, 26 Feb 7:30 PM NA both #s 5 Mar 9:00 AM talked to him after Mass. Wants out of the order. Would not discuss the problem
While talking to the member the DD or W will ask if a council member has contacted him and if he received the dues notices, KA1, and notice of intent to suspend. The report is then sent to the state retention chairman with the district findings. 20 Feb 5:30PM NA both #s, 22 Feb 7:00 PM NA both #s 23 Feb 6:00 PM LMVM, 24 Feb 4:30 PM LMVM, 26 Feb 7:30 PM NA both #s 5 Mar 9:00 AM talked to him after Mass. Wants out of the order. Would not discuss the problem
If you get an answering machine, leave your name and phone number. Tell the member that you are concerned about his membership and ask if he is in need of anything, or if there is some way to keep him in the order. Do not mention dues, he knows. Document the message on the worksheet. You do not need to make multiple calls. You are not the council retention committee. You are just checking that the required steps have been taken. You may be the last knight to verbally contact him while he is still a member. Be thoughtful
Suspensions will be stopped if: 1.The dues notices and KAI were not sent or not reported for the billing cycle and personal contact was not made by a retention committeeman. 2. The member cannot afford to pay dues 3. No council retention chairman is listed for your council at supreme 3. No emergency contact is listed for members who joined after 1 July 2012, without a good explanation 4. No effort listed to find missing or incorrect contact information 5. The retention worksheet is not sent to the DD or state retention chairman on time or no DD or his Warden report on the sheet 7. The member is less than 1 year in arrears, unless a good reason is listed on the report
NOTES FOR DDs Recruit Wardens to help you with calling delinquent members Ask GKs approximately how many 1845s they will be sending You or your Wardens should ask if the member has received the dues notices and if someone from the council contacted them.
The SRC will review and report to the state deputy if proper procedures were followed. The state deputy will request the supreme membership records department return the 1845 to the council if procedures were not followed. The GKs in your district should be aware of the importance of the timing of sending the report to you the DD. The retention committee, DD, SRC, and State deputy have a 60 day window between the time the forms 1845 and 100 are sent.
Timing is critical. Especially after the 1845 is sent. The Council and district efforts must be completed in enough time to allow the SRC and state deputy react before 60 day window after the 1845 has expired. As you can see by the chart there is a 14 day window for the SRC to complete his work. After the SRC, the state deputy has only 14 days to react. The chart is for information only. The actual dates will depend on the date that supreme receives the Days
If for whatever reason the SRC does not receive the report from the DD in time to report to the state deputy in a timely manner, The state deputy will request the 1845s be returned to the council as the retention efforts cannot be varified. Please instruct your councils of the importance of retention, the procedures, and the timing restraints. A PDF of the retention reports will be sent to the council and DD with a critique. 45 Days
STATE RETENTION WORK The retention chairman receives the worksheets – They are reviewed to ensure standards were met and notice of results are sent to the State Deputy. A letter from the State Deputy is sent to the delinquent member. A filed out form 100 for transfer is included for members living outside NC. State retention chairman receives notice of an 1845 – Notice of the 1845s and a list of deadlines is sent to the GK, DD, RDD, State Deputy, State Secretary, and State Membership Director. This year add FS, Council Membership Director and Retention Chairman.
SUPREME RETENTION WORK Supreme receives 1845 – A letter from Supreme Knight is sent to the delinquent member. The 1845 information is posted on the DD and state password protected section of the Supreme web page (Conservation Listing by Jurisdiction). It is usually posted by Saturday if there are any. It is usually on the website for 1 week only. The 1845 is put on file for 90 days
In the proactive mode, certain members are called more often. They are as follow; New members – before meetings for the first few months Ill and older members that cannot make meetings – at least every three months. A report on their condition should be given by the Retention Chairman at the meetings during the good of the order. BASIC RETENTION STEPS PROACTIVE MODE
Members who have not attended a meeting in three months (including those behind in their dues) – Three or Four times a year Military members stationed far from your council – An e mail or call at least 3 times a year. Widows – at least 3 times a year. A report on their condition should be given by the Retention Chairman at the meetings during the good of the order. BASIC RETENTION STEPS PROACTIVE MODE
LIST OF WIDOWS The work sheets would not be needed for proactive retention work. Just a list of names, phone numbers, e mail addresses, etc. There should be a place for notes
Thank you for your assistance. “When you stop growing, you start dying”