Distance Learning for ESL Students Devin Mowat DL and ESL Instructor South Metro Adult Basic Education
Traditional Distance Learning Students are ONLY enrolled in a distance learning class, not in traditional classroom setting Orientation and screening usually occurs face to face with instructor All instruction occurs in a distance setting CASAS/TABE testing usually required to continue use
Hybrid Distance Learning Instruction Any combination of in class (face to face) instruction and distance instruction Same subjects in both, or different subjects Examples: ▫ESL students in ESL class and learning reading comprehension online ▫CNA-Preparation Course teaches theory and practice in face to face class, students learn basic math skills online CASAS/TABE testing as part of face to face class
What makes a good distance learner? Screening Survey activity
What makes a good distance learner? Digital Literacy Skills ▫ability to manipulate mouse and use a keyboard ▫ability to navigate to a website ▫ability to log-in using a password ▫ability to follow instructions as well as intuit/figure out where to click
What makes a good distance learner? Time to complete proxy hours required by your program Organizational skills Quiet place to work Willingness to ask for help Reliable access to a computer Reading Skills ▫Prerequisite CASAS scores for each platform can be found on the MNABE Distance Learning site
How can I screen my students? Informal screening ▫assesses students’ computer literacy skills and communication skills Formal online questionnaire or survey ▫assesses students’ computer literacy skills and allows instructor to ask questions about other aspects, such as time available See more screening tools on the MN ABE Distance Learning website!See more screening tools on the MN ABE Distance Learning website!
Approved DL Platforms for use with ESL Students Skills Tutor-paid for and supported by the state English for All - free USA Learns-free Learner Web- fee based Crossroads Café- fee based Ellis Academics- fee based Easy ESL- fee based Rosetta Stone- fee based More information about DL platforms, including recommended NRS levels:
Further Professional Development: Project Ideal DL101 ▫Through focused webinars and discussion, sites create an implementation plan for distance learning. Sites then implement their plans and report their results. DL102 ▫Participants analyze a specific barrier or obstacle they have faced and work with peers to find ways to better support their learners.
For more information… ▫Resources for screening, orientation, implementation, and professional development ▫Information on approved DL platforms prerequisites counting proxy hours super user contact information Project Ideal – Questions for me?