D ISTANCE L EARNING FAQ Summer Institute 2013
P RESENTED BY DL Supplemental Services Jennifer Weaverling Tom Cytron-Hysom Susan Wetenkamp-Brandt
O UTLINE Trends and Hot Topics Best Practices Questions
T RENDS AND H OT T OPICS Professional development keyed to DL delivery Integrating digital literacy instruction Dynamic DL platforms that provide resources tailored to individual student need – dynamic matching of resources Collaborative service delivery in workforce centers, libraries, etc. Other
T REND – S TATEWIDE PD C OORDINATION Webinars: GoToTraining User ease/familiarity Interactive, quality tools Regional access Statewide best practices Statewide support (Susan) Future possibilities: ex. statewide PD catalogue DL 101 & DL 102 delivery
H OT T OPIC ! Now accepting DL 101, DL 102 – Instructors, and DL 102 – Managers applications Apply at
H OT T OPIC …D IGITAL L ITERACY ! Best Practice – Digital literacy integration into core literacy instruction Modalities: reading, writing, listening, speaking Core literacy content Digital Literacy S eamless A ppropriate F acilitated E mpowering Dillon-Marable & Valentine
H OT T OPIC …D IGITAL L ITERACY ! Trend – use of standards and assessments Future: may be included in statewide standards
D YNAMIC DL P LATFORMS These allow resources tailored to individual student need – dynamic matching of resources Facilitates instruction based on needs of individual learners Complicates proxy hours
C OLLABORATIVE SERVICE DELIVERY Workforce centers, libraries, etc. Northstar UI REA
O THER S TATEWIDE D EVELOPMENTS Statewide platforms: Skills Tutor, iPathways Susan Wetenkamp-Brandt Distance Learning Basics Course – 2014 Requirement for programs doing DL New data committee How many DL learners statewide? How many proxy hours generated? How many programs doing DL? Etc.
B EST P RACTICES Hybrid instruction Better data management: naming conventions, extracting and using data Continuing professional development
Q UESTIONS What is the Virtual Task Force? How are decisions made regarding approval of DL platforms for proxy hours? Can proxy hours be claimed more than once for a student for the same lesson/chapter/unit/assignment? Can approved DL platforms be used in class? What is the best way to select a DL platform for students at specific NRS levels? What platforms are provided and supported by the State? How do you get started with Accuplacer Diagnostics and My Foundations Lab?