Company LOGO Small, Local and Minority Business Enterprise (SLMBE) Program June 24, 2011 Diversity…just the way we do business!
Who We Are The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Service area/population 1.8 million customers in Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties, Maryland; 8th largest water/wastewater utility; Two water supply sources – Potomac and Patuxent Rivers; More than 5,500 miles of water pipes; More than 5,300 miles of pipe for wastewater; Two (2) Water Filtration Plants; six (6) Wastewater Treatment Plants; Three (3) Water Storage Reservoirs; 54 Water Storage Tanks; 14 Water Pumping Stations; 41 Wastewater Pumping Stations; Five (5) Maintenance Service Centers; and 170 MGD water production. Has always met or exceeded federal drinking water standards
SLMBE PROGRAM OVERVIEW The SLMBE Program is one of our core strategies to achieving World-Class status at WSSC; Helps our organization meet important business needs and facilitate good business; Promotes job creation and stimulates the local economy by increasing the contracting opportunities for small and minority businesses located in Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties; and Reinforces our leadership, not only in the water and wastewater industry, but in the wider community.
The Four Pillars of Excellence - Paving the Road to Supplier Diversity Supplier Advocacy Compliance Extensive Outreach Supplier Development Our Strategy Fiscally, to support the Commission in achieving its SLMBE objectives by offering trusted and convenient services to both our internal and external stakeholders through customized solutions that center around…
Supplier Advocacy: Ensure fair and equal access to Contracting Policies/procedures to further SLMBE Program Validating MBE certifications Approving Subcontracting Plans Reviewing and approving SLBE applications Reviewing Solicitations and recommending MBE or SLBE subcontracting requirements; and Reviewing and evaluating Bids and Proposals for responsiveness and responsibility.
Compliance: Evaluating and validating Subcontractors Plans Tracking and monitoring subcontracting plan performance Ensuring the adherence of the 14-Day Rule Track and monitor awards and payments to MBE and SLBE Primes and Subcontractors; and Field Compliance
Extensive Outreach: Communicate contracting opportunities and processes in the Commission Create awareness about the SLMBE Program Strategically prepare and execute annual industry-specific Vendor Days and events to educate vendors and create networking and development opportunities for SLMBE vendors. Participate in and/or host targeted outreach events. Partner with Minority Business Organizations, Small Business Associations, local Chambers of Commerce, and other like-purpose organizations to increase the availability and use of SLMBE firms.
Supplier Development: Foster the development of sustainable SLMBE firms Facilitate and host targeted contractor/vendor training events and workshops for SLMBE firms Creating targeted contractor/vendor training events and workshops for SLMBE firms Workshops Scheduled for FY 2011 : Procurement Innovations: Bid Bridge Workshop SymTrac Training Workshop Insurance and Bonding Workshop Acquisition Office Vendor Day and Matchmaking Prime Contractors Business Fair and Matchmaking MBE/SLBE Certification Workshop Information Technology Vendor Day and Matchmaking Small Local Business (SLBE) Process Essentials Workshop Acquisition Office Vendor Day and Matchmaking Construction and A/E Vendor Day and Matchmaking
In The Know… Completed Disparity Study – December 2010 Adopted New Minority Business Enterprise Program Standard procedure – March 2011 New MBE Program Effective Date – May 1, 2011 –Based upon the recently completed Disparity Study
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Small Local Business Enterprise Programs Diversity…just the way we do business!
Minority Business Enterprise Program (MBE) Designed to promote greater availability, capacity development, and contract participation by M/WBEs in WSSC contracts. WSSC Recognized MBE Certifying Agencies: Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Prince Georges County Minority Business Development Division (PGMBDD) D.C. Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) –Maryland/District of Columbia Minority Supplier Development Council (MD/DC MSDC) –Womens President Education Organization (WPEO) We encourage you to visit our website to view the new MBE Program (MBE SP 11-01):
Minority Business Enterprise Program (MBE) contd Some of the benefits of the M/WBE Program (SP 11-01): Subcontracting Requirements (Contract Specific subcontracting goal setting) Evaluation Point Preference Price Preference Small Contract Rotation Mentor-Protégé Sheltered Market Program Expanding Unbundling In Fiscal Year (FY) 2010, WSSCs expenditures with Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) firms was $59.9 million (26%). In Fiscal Year (FY) 2010, WSSC contract awards to MBE firms was $77 million (29%). * Total MBE $ includes MBE and WBE awards/payments
Small Local Business Enterprise Program (SLBE) Designed to encourage the utilization of small local firms located in Prince Georges County and Montgomery County. The SLBE Program is a race-and-gender neutral program. WSSC approves all SLBE firms There are five (5) criteria that a firm MUST meet to be approved as an SLBE with the Commission. Some of the benefits of the SLBE Program: Mandatory Subcontracting, Bonding and Insurance Waivers, Sheltered Market Program, and Price Preferences. In FY 2010, WSSCs expenditures with Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE) firms was $10.7 million.
We buy everything from paper clips to pipe! Diversity…just the way we do business!
How We Buy Purchasing Card (P-Card) Typically, used for purchases $5,000< Various items and/or services Invitation For Bid (IFB) Typically, used for purchases $25,000> E.g. inventory items, construction and construction-related services Request For Proposal (RFP) Typically, used for purchases $25,000> E.g. Professional Services/Specialized Services Note: Architecture and Engineering is a two-phase selection process Request For Quote (RFQ) Typically, used for purchases between $5,000 and $25,000 Various items/services
How We Buy…7 Tips 1.Register in the Centralized Bidder Registration (CBR) System. 2.Do your homework. 3.Know that competitive bidding is likely. 4.Understand WSSCs bidding process. 5.Know what goes into a good bid. 6.Dont expect to be successful your first time; however, prepare to be successful. Unsuccessful? 7.Get a debriefing!
Staying Connected… Centralized Bidder Registration (CBR) System: Web-based tool for suppliers and bidders interested in receiving announcements of bidding opportunities. ALL ALL vendors seeking to do business with WSSC must be registered in the CBR System.
Staying Connected… SymTrac: SymTrac is a web-based tool designed to monitor contract compliance requirements. The SLMBE Office: Call, Click, or the SLMBE Office with your questions and concerns. Ph: