Why the Santa Fe? Coupled biogeochemcial cycles across distinct hydrologic regimes
Current conceptual model inadequate Modeled NO3 vs Flow Relationship Observed NO3 vs Flow Relationship
Proposal Tasks Compile existing monitoring data from state and federal mission agencies into a web-accessible geodatabase for use by local and non-local researchers Mine existing agency data to predict stage and flux of water, conductivity and nitrate throughout stream network of the Santa Fe Basin, and quantify accuracy of the prediction. Design augmented network to improve prediction accuracy. Deploy continuous NO3 and CTD sensors at select locations. Link data to campus based computers through cell phone technology, serve in real-time on web, add QC’d data to geodatabase Use new data to test predictions, test hypotheses and develop improved conceptual models
Potential hypotheses to be tested Conductivity Proxy for NO 3 Conductivity will provide a useful proxy for nitrate export in the unconfined region of the basin but not in the upper confined basin due to differences in hydrologic sources and flowpaths.