Perspective We face continuing budget cuts due to revenue shortfalls. We must deal with these cuts while continuing to improve what we do for students in Carroll County.
Budget Issues State shortfalls in funding school finance formulas are the reason for the Carroll County School System’s continuing budget deficits. Net reduction in state funding from FY13 to unofficial state allotment for FY14 is ($2,206,279)
State Austerity Reductions
6 Yr. Revenue/Expense Trend
6 Yr. Revenue to FTE Comparison
FY14 Proposed Budget Estimated Fund Equity as of 6/30/13: $ 13,800, Projected FY 14 Revenue: $101,329,423.01* Projected FY14 Expenditures:-$103,991,029.75** Shortfall to balance budget:-$ 2,661, Projected Fund Equity as of 6/30/14: $ 11,138, Projections are based on the following: *Unofficial QBE allotment sheets and projected local revenues. **Class size waiver of 3 over maximum established by the state and six employee furlough days.
FY14 Budget Adjustments Revenue – Increase in Local Revenue Expense Increases – Increase to Certified and Classified Health Insurance – Increase from Certified and Classified Step Increases – Increase in TRS for Certified Employees – Added Assistant Principal to Bay Springs Middle – Added two resource officers at GHES and VRES – Added 1.5 ESOL Teachers Expense Decreases – Outsourcing of custodial services – Personnel Changes – Reduction of Maintenance & Transportation Expenses