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Online Resources The following On-Line resources are there for your use 24/7/365. Visit them often, become familiar with them. They are updated regularly and will reflect the latest information available. Please share this information with your staff.
National Criminal Justice Act Voucher On-Line Reference Tool OR
The National CJA Voucher On-Line Reference Tool is a component of the National CJA Voucher Policy Training Program established by ODS to communicate the information contained in Volume 7 of the Guide to Judiciary Policies. The goals of the National CJA Voucher Policy Training Program are to ensure that all relevant policies and procedures are understood and consistently applied; errors on vouchers are reduced; business processes and stewardship of judiciary funds are improved; time to payment is shortened; and CJA clients are afforded quality representation.
Office of Defender Services Training Branch This website offers: – Information on training opportunities throughout the year and across the country; – Litigation support information; – Sentencing Resource information; – Training videos and materials on a host of useful topics; and – Much, much more!!
Eastern District of North Carolina United States District Court This website offers: – Judicial preferences; – Calendars; – CM/ECF information and access; – The latest news, including weather related closures; and – Much, much more.
Office of the Federal Public Defender/EDNC This website offers: – Helpful Links – Office and Staff directories – Publications – Seminar info, including materials – CJA information
18 U.S.C. Section 4248 Depositions and Transcripts On May 7 th, 2012, the Judges of this District adopted the following policy concerning depositions and transcripts that arise out of 4248 representations.
1.If DOJ initiates a deposition then DOJ pays the costs of the original transcript plus one extra copy. CJA funds will pay for the respondent’s copy. This arrangement includes the cost of court reporter’s fees and associated expenses. 2.If a panel attorney initiates a deposition then CJA funds will pay the cost of the original transcript plus one copy. DOJ will then pay the cost of its copy. This arrangement includes the cost of court reporter’s fees and associated expenses.
How to Accomplish Payment The court reporter’s appearance fee and travel expenses are to be submitted on a CJA 21 voucher and forwarded to our office, as you would with any other CJA 21 form. The transcript request would be submitted on a CJA 24, in the same manner you would for any other transcript request.
If a panel attorney paid for the court reporter’s fees and associated expenses and/or a copy of the transcript out of pocket and is seeking reimbursement, the panel attorney will need to complete a CJA 21 and/or CJA 24 in order to be reimbursed. You cannot place these expenses on your CJA 20 voucher.