Submission Doc: IEEE 802.15-09-0536-00-004eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks.


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Presentation transcript:

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [MAC channel diversity over PHY-FH] Date Submitted: [July 14, 2009] Source: [Wun-Cheol Jeong, Chang-Sub Shin, Anseok Lee, Seong-Soon Joo] Address [] Voice:[ ], FAX: [], Re: [IEEE P e] Abstract:[ This document proposes MAC-FH over PHY-FH.] Purpose:[Discussion in e Task Group] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 2 MAC channel diversity over PHY-FH ETRI, Freescale, CUNY, Dust Networks, Strategic Technology, Coronis,

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 3 Channel Diversity Subgroup Report Description of Channel Diversity –Channel hopping –Channel adaptation Proposals for Channel Diversity –Enhanced GTS (EGTS) Channel Adaptation –Distributed Channel Hopping (DCH) –Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) EGTS TSCH

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 4 Channel Diversity Subgroup Report Two different structures –EGTS in beacon enabled PAN –TSCH in nonbeacon enabled PAN Merging Activity –DCH over EGTS –DCH and TSCH (Common Primitive Parameters) nonbeacon-enabled PAN beacon-enabled PAN E-GTS TSCH Contention Access Contention-Free ISA, HCF ZigBee, Overhead Reduction/Security Low Energy Channel Diversity

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 5 MAC Channel Diversity vs PHY-FH MAC channel diversity: –Channel Adaptation: Switch channels if necessary. –Channel Hopping: Switch (hop) channels over predefined pattern. –A PPDU stays in a channel at least one slot duration. PHY-FH –Switch channels during Tx of PPDU.

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 6 Channel Hopping Illustration of Channel Hopping over EGTS multi-superframe structure Time Channel CAPCFP

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 7 MAC-FH vs PHY-FH Slot n Slot n-1 Slot n-2 Slot n+1 Slot n+2 Channels Sub Slot n Sub Slot n-1 Sub Slot n-2 Sub Slot n+1 Sub Slot n+2 Channels PPDU

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 8 MAC Channel Diversity vs PHY-FH If PHY-FH generates set of physical channels for Tx of a PPDU, say length of m, MAC shall see m orthogonal logical channels. Same channel diversity can be applied using these logical channels to obtain diversity gain. Set of PHY-FH sequences can be generated by LUT method or pseudo random method like polynomial-based generator (or other method that PHY suggests). However, logical channel shall indicate unique set of physical channels.

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 9 MAC Channel Diversity vs PHY-FH Cooperation between MAC Channel Diversity and PHY-FH: –MAC Channel Diversity shall manage communication channel using logical channel, not physical channels. –MAC shall set logical channel numbers to PHY for channels to be used for Tx of a PPDU. –Generate PHY-FH sequence based on logical channel number.

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 10 MAC Channel Diversity vs PHY-FH Logical Channel: A channel seen at MAC layer. It may consist of set of physical channels. Example: PHY Hopping SequenceLogical Channel {1, 2, 3 4}1 {2, 3, 4, 1}2 {3,4, 1, 2}3 { 4, 1, 2, 3}4

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 11 MAC Channel Diversity vs PHY-FH Example: PHY Hopping Sequence Logical Channel MAC Hopping Sequence (Offsets) PHY Channel Tables {1, 2, 3 4}1{1,2,3,4}, 0{{1,2,3,4},{2,3,4,1},{3,4,1,2}, {4,1,2,3}} {2, 3, 4, 1}2{2,3,4,1}, 1{{2,3,4,1},{3,4,1,2},{4,1,2,3},{1,2,3,4}} {3,4, 1, 2}3{3,4,1,2}, 2{{3,4,1,2},{4,1,2,3},{1,2,3,4},{2,3,4,1}} { 4, 1, 2, 3}4{4,1,2,3}, 3{{4,1,2,3},{1,2,3,4},{2,3,4,1},{3,4,1,2}}

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 12 Suggestion for supporting PHY-FH For frequency hopping, MAC sublayer have to use two primitives at every time slot for frequency hopping. –First, change the currentChannel using PLME-SET.request –Second, transmit data using PD-DATA.request Propose adding new parameter of PD-DATA.request primitve for frequency hopping PLME-SET.request(channel) PD-DATA.request(data) PLME-SET.request(channel) PD-DATA.request(data) PD-DATA.request(channel, data)

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 13 Suggestion for supporting PHY-FH Primitives –PD-DATA.request ( hoppingMode, logicalChannelNum, psduLength, psdu ) NameTypeRangeDescription hoppingModeBooleanTrue or FalseIndication of whether the PHY sublayer has Hopping enabled. A value of TRUE indicates that hopping is enabled, while a value of FALSE indicates that hopping is disabled and logicalChannelNum is ignored. logicalChannelNumInteger?The logical channel number of phy hopping sequence This value is set by MAC sublayer at every MAC time slot

Submission Doc: IEEE eJuly 2009 Wun-Cheol Jeong et al.Slide 14 Suggestion for supporting PHY-FH PHY PIB New Channel page and channel number need to be defined for TG4g PHY AttributeTypeRangeDescription phyHoppingModeBooleanTrue or False Indication of whether the PHY sublayer has Hopping enabled. A value of TRUE indicates that hopping is enabled, while a value of FALSE indicates that hopping is disabled. phyHoppijngSequenceSet of octets The sequnce number of phy channel nujmber