Nov 26, 2009 Chongqing NAOC and Steward Observatory The South Galactic Cap U-band Sky Survey with the Bok 2.3m Telescope Fan Zhou NAOC
1. To supply the input source catalogue for LAMOST; 2. To classify of the stars, galaxies, AGN and quasars in the south Galactic cap region with the color-color diagram; 3. To detect the red shift z<3 quasar candidates combining the photometry in other bands; 4. To estimate the red shift of the galaxies with PhotoZ combining the photometry in other bands; 5. To find out some starburst galaxies candidates; 6. It can help us estimate the metallicity of the stellar populations in the galaxies; 7. To identify the type of the stars in the color-color diagram combining the photometry in other bands, which can help us the control the completeness of the star type for the LAMOST observations; 8. It can be helpful for the flux calibration of the LAMOST spectra.
图 1 : SDSS 测光中的恒星( × ),星系(△) 和类星体(其中红移 z< 3.5 的源用 □ 表示,红 移 z≥ 3.5 的源用 ■ 表示)的双色图。 图 2 :不同类型的恒星在双色图上的位置是 不同的
图 2 : 1 个太阳质量,年龄是 1 Gyr 的谱能 量分布随金属丰度的变化。 图 1 : BC03 模型中太阳金属丰度下星族 的谱能量分布随年龄的变化。
The Bok Organization: Steward Observatory. Location: Kitt Peak, Arizona, USA Wavelength: optical, infrared Diameter: 2.3m (90 inches)
Location―Kitt Peak Altitude: 6,900 ft (2071 m) Latitude: +31° 57' 46.5“ Longitude: 111°36' 01.6"W Time Zone: +7 hours
The Bok 90 inch (2.3 meter) Reflector Telescope The Telescope
PI: Xu Zhou (NAOC) PI: Michael Lesser (SO/UA)
1.SDSS Filters (u',g',r', i',z'-band) 2.New Johnson / Bessel Filters 3. Pan-STARRS Filter (g, r, i, z, y)
CCD configuration
The U-band Sky MAP
The U-band Sky Survey
Calibration time: 387×3min=21 hours
If we have 55 nights: 55 nights ×10 hours / nights =550 hours Each field: (550 hours×65% useful night - 21)/3700=5.46 min If we have 80 nights: 80 nights ×10 hours / nights =800 hours Each field: (800 hours×65% useful night - 21)/3700=8.09 min Total Observation Time
For each pointing: 4×33Mb×3 times=0.4G 3700 deg 2 region=3700×0.4 G=1480 G Flux calibration observations: 3700/9 × 4×33M×2 (Standard star and objects)=108.5 G FLAT: 15 × 4 frames × 20 M × 80 Nights=96 G BIAS:15 ×4 frames × 20 M × 80 Nights=96 G Total Size=1781 G≈1.8 T Catalogues: Point sources and extended sources? We need the Database and Search like SDSS The Data Storage
Finding chart, images, search,download,catalogs The Database
Zhou Xu, Fan Zhou, et al.
In Jan 2008, Chinese Small Telescope ARray (CSTAR) was successfully mounted in the highest plateau of Antarctic - Dome A by the 24th Chinese expedition team. CSTAR - four 14.5 cm telescopes g, r, i and white filters FOV: 4.5 ◦ × 4.5 ◦ The Dome A locates at 77 ◦ 0657E -80 ◦ 2508S (1271 km from Zhongshan Station. The altitude ∼ 4093 meters The temperature is quite low to − 81 ◦ C the PWV of dome A is supposed to be only half of that in dome C The median seeing of dome A should be less than The boundary layer thickness of dome A is ∼ 10 m which is much thinner than that of dome C.
There are 16918, 50575, 68157, , and 5749 images in March, April, May, June, July and August, respectively. The total exposure time is 67.37, , , , and hours, respectively, in these months and the total exposure time is hours.
Monet et al. (2003) derived the formula for transforming the magnitudes of USNO-B1.0 to the magnitudes in SDSS filters with ∼ 450 deg 2 of SDSS Early Data Release = ± with 48 points.
A bright star of 10.1 mag (14h32m31.5s,−87 ◦ )
The catalogue header: Jun 02 22:50: A NOTE-The header parameter mean: (1)-59: temperature (2)2008 Jun 02: date (3)20: exposure time in second (4) 357: sky light ADU value (5) 10398: mag= (6) Julian time. The full catalogues can be downloaded on zhouxu/.
Thank you!