There is a crisis of leadership. How do you change from one leader to the next in a way that gives directors and the camps they serve the best possible chance to succeed?
Leadership & Governance: Board working without a net Absence of Decision Making clarity Engaging in roles outside the norm Challenges that Threaten Successful Transitions Challenges that Threaten Successful Transitions Leadership & Governance: Board working without a net Absence of Decision Making clarity Engaging in roles outside the norm
Resistance to change Poor Management Processes & Systems Not understanding what led to the turnover Lack of Systemic Thinking Organizational Characteristics that Threaten Transitions
Building Consensus through planning Time & Care to Prevent False Starts Poor Communication with Stakeholders Challenges from the External Environment
Revisit & clarify your Vision and Mission Look for Alignment Seek internal clarity & coherence of Leadership Identify the camp’s stage of organizational development How to Begin a Transition
Leaders without a Strategic Plan have nowhere to lead. Identify your theory of change Conduct a SWOT Analysis Reform Consensus on the Strategic Plan Review how you translate your mission into action Align Leadership to the Strategic Plan
Home Community : Will recruit and motivate families to send youth to Camp. Will create a learning network for Jewish youth to engage in Synagogue Leadership. and Jewish Affiliates Agencies: Affiliates will deliver leadership opportunities & education, support year round, including group interaction with other campers. Camp: Set collaborative agenda with Synagogues, provide marketing & orientation services and support campers during implementation of camp. As well as throughout the year. Will convene camp youth reunions and link families to existing resources and opportunities for continued involvement in Camp. 2 Example of Theory of Change Goal: Campers will increase knowledge of Judaism, will become more engaged with their synagogue; and will develop leadership skills within the broader community as a result of camp experiences. CAMP will also work toward encouraging Jewish community engagement and year long interaction with Camp members.
SWOT Analysis What are the camp’s strengths? What are the weaknesses that need to be addressed? What Opportunities could increase the camps strategic success? What are the Threats that could derail the camps’ achievement of mission?
Ensuring Excellence in Governance Board/Committee Self Assessment Legal & ethical duties Board/Committee responsibilities during transition Maintaining forward movement Shape the Board and future ED partnership
Professionalizing the Transition Process Creating a Transition Management Plan Managing through transition Managing the search process Using Interim EDs Introducing the new leader
Managing during the Transition Period Implement the Transition Plan Lead the organization through change Sustaining & reintroducing Creativity & Spirit
Leadership Alignment Guiding Principles Cycles of Alignment and misalignment Selecting leaders with skills to align your organization
Attending to New Beginnings Succession planning Leadership Continuity Long –Term Governance Managing for the Long-Term Introducing the new ED
To make camp a better place A Well Done Process Reaps Amazing Rewards The organization stays on Mission Leadership Transitions are Integrated into the Organization Board hires strategic leadership needed NOW Camp succeeds with Leader Partners serving the mission