Bhuvaneswari G, Resource Person, Centre for Yoga Studies, Annamalai University
Not only physical or mental health
Spirit, mind and soul Awareness of incorporeal Way one finds meaning hope Inner peace in life Attainment of Self-realization Inner path to discover the deepest value
Complete physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of diseases Spirituality – one of the best way to attain good health
Acceptance Courage Devotion Healing Harmony Integrity Mercy Peace Positive thinking Purity
Air – Thought, mind & consciousness Water– Creative dance Earth– Human body Fire – Internal will power and Intention Space – Creativity
Meditation Disconnects the consciousness from external influences Improves the power of concentration Change and accelerate spiritual growth Make decisions and create new solutions
Between human and divine Among human beings Between human beings and the natural world.
Three way of seeing life – Helping, fixing and serving Sound mind in sound body in sound family in sound environment and in sound relationship Turn towards the light of spirituality to lead a good care for our health
Thanking You