Course Title Hire Us to Fire Us: How We Are Keeping Music Programs Alive Presented by George Quinlan, Jr.
No one “wants” to cut music programs Music Advocacy is working Don’t let it die!
Consensus needed: This program is good for the kids and the school Get past the anger & finger-pointing Focus on the solutions, not the problems
Work together: Parents, Administration, Teachers, Music Retailer Don’t concentrate on “who gets the credit”
Agree that whatever temporary solution is found, the long-term goal is to reinstate the program “Hire Us, so you can Fire us” and reinstate the program to its original status
The Key: Find the Right Teacher! Has a vested interest in seeing the program reinstated alumni retired teachers young teachers
Things to consider: Tuition payment collection & tax issues Independent Contractor/Employee issues After School/During School issues Instrument Rental payments QF & Music World Service
Success Stories Grayslake District 46 East Maine District 63 Ridgeland District 122 Lemont District 113
Takeaway 1: Don’t Let it Die Takeaway 2: Focus on the Solution; not the problem Takeaway 3: Work Together- No one “wants” to cut school Music programs! Top Three Takeaways