The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures FI-WARE: Semantic Application Support Generic Enabler FI-PPP Webinars Ivan Martinez.


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Presentation transcript:

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures FI-WARE: Semantic Application Support Generic Enabler FI-PPP Webinars Ivan Martinez Mauricio Ciprián

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Follow Semantic Application Support GE News about the Semantic Application Support GE Please send us your question and doubts about the GE during the presentation

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Outline 2  Overview  Semantic Application Support GE  SAS Infrastructure  Architecture  Main Interactions  Open RESTful API  SAS Engineering Environment  Architecture  Main Interactions  Open Specification  Next Steps  Summary  Hands on: Using SAS in your application  Q&A Session

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Overview 3  The Semantic Application Support enabler aims at providing an effective environment for developers to implement and deploy high quality Semantic Web-based applications  Reasons preventing semantic web adoption:  Technical: lack of infrastructure to meet industry requirements in terms of scalability, distribution, security, etc.  Engineering: not general uptake of methodologies, lack of best practices and supporting tools  Commercial aspects: difficulties to penetrate in the market, lack of understanding of the main strengths and weaknesses of the semantic technologies by company managers, no good sales strategies, etc.

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Overview 4  The Semantic Application Support enabler addresses some of engineering and technical problems by providing:  SAS Infrastructure: An infrastructure for metadata publishing, retrieving and subscription that meets industry requirements like scalability, distribution and security.  SAS Engineering Environment: A set of tools for infrastructure and data management, supporting most adopted methodologies and best practices.  SAS is built on top of well-known semantic technologies (Sesame, NeOn Toolkit) and enhanced with lessons learnt from applying semantic technologies in several projects belonging to different domains.  Further info: ription.Data.SemanticSupport#Semantic_Application_Support_GE_ArchitectureAS Architecture OverviewAS Architecture Overview

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – SAS Infrastructure 5  SAS Infrastructure  Architecture  Main interactions  Open REST Full API

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Architecture 6

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Architecture 7  Data layer:  A relational database to store ontology documents loaded into the GE.  A Knowledge Base providing OWL-2RL support used by ontology and workspace registries to store ontology and workspace related metadata and by managing, querying and publishing modules to provide their functionality.  Presentation layer:  Functionality provided from SAS Infrastructure are supposed to be accessed for human users by means of the SAS Engineering Environment (aka NeOn Toolkit).  In addition web clients MAY be develop to access specific functionality, mainly related with infrastructure management.

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Architecture 8  Business layer:  Ontology registry that manages ontologies loaded into the system and its related metadata. Operations: retrieving / uploading ontology, retrieving / uploading metadata, etc.  Workspace registry that manages workspaces and their related metadata created by users to be used by their semantic enable applications. Operations: creating / deleting a workspace, listing ontologies loaded into the workspace, etc.  Publishing module that allow user to publish data into the GE.  Managing module that allow users to monitor the status and content of the GE. Operations: retrieving a list of available ontologies, retrieving a list of subscriptions, etc  Subscription module that allows users to subscribe to events produced in the GE. Operations: subscribing to ontology updates or workspace modifications.  Querying module that allows users to query their workspace following SPARQL Query Protocol

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Main Interactions 9  The description of this functionality is based on the functionality provided by the baseline asset in FI-WARE first release  It describes functionality provided by the GE enabler as service invocation methods for both human or computer agents.  A subset of methods belonging to publishing and managing rest APIs will be provided:  Publishing API:  Getting, uploading and deleting ontologies  Getting, uploading and deleting ontology metadata  Management API:  Listing ontologies and their versions

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Open RESTful API 10

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Open RESTful API 11  /ontologies/{ontologyIRI}  /ontologies/{ontologyIRI}/{versionIRI} Open STFull API Spec - Ontologies VerbDescription GET Gets the latest version of the ontology from the repository POST Uploads a new version of the ontology to the repository DELETE Remove from the repository the latest version of the ontology VerbDescription GET Gets a specific version of an ontology from the repository POST Uploads ontology to the repository with a given ontology id and version DELETE Remove from the repository a specific version of a ontology

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Open RESTful API 12  /metadata/{ontologyIRI}  /metadata/{ontologyIRI}/{versionIRI} Open RESTful API Spec - Metadata VerbDescription GET Gets the metadata related to the latest version of an ontology POST Uploads to the registry a new OMV description and relate it to a ontology DELETE Remove from the repository the metadata related to the latest version of an ontology VerbDescription GET Gets the metadata related to a given version of an ontology POST Uploads to the registry a new OMV description and relate it to a ontology version DELETE Remove from the repository the metadata related to an ontology version

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SWAS GE – Open RESTful API 13  /mgm/list  /mgm/list/{ontologyIRI} API Spec - Management VerbDescription GET Gets an XML document listing the ontologies contained in the repository and their versions VerbDescription GET Gets an XML document listing the versions of a given ontology contained in the repository

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – SAS Infrastructure 14  SAS Engineering Environment  Architecture  Main Interactions  Open Specification

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Architecture 15

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Architecture 16  SAS Engineering Environment  Provides the core ontology editing and engineering functionality.  Relies in eclipse platform for handling project, folders, etc.  Contributed plug-ins  Extensions that provide extra functionality supporting different phases of the NeOn Methodology SWAS GE Architecture

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Main Interactions 17  SAS Engineering Environment functionality is based on the functionality provided by the baseline asset NeOn Toolkit. The NeOn Toolkit is a state-of-the-art, eclipse based, open source multi-platform ontology engineering environment, which provides comprehensive support for the ontology engineering life-cycle  It takes advantage of some paradigms introduced by Eclipse including:  Using workspaces, projects, folders and files as containers to organize and store development artifacts.  Using workbench, editors, views and perspectives to provide functionality to the user by means of GUI.  Therefore, most of the functionality provided by SAS Engineering Environment is provided as editors, views and perspectives

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Main Interactions 18  Ontology navigation perspective allows users to manage their projects and ontologies, creating or removing projects, loading or creating new ontologies, etc  In the scope of a given ontology, users are able to manage (adding, removing, etc) main ontology contents such as classes, object properties and data properties. Once selected, ontology contents can be edited by means of a proper editor

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Main Interactions 19  Class editor is composed of four tabs:  Class restrictions tab that allow the user to modify restrictions applicable to the class.  Taxonomy tabs that allow the user to modify the class ancestors, successors or siblings.  Annotation tab that allows the user to annotate the class con textual descriptions.  Source tab that presents the user the OWL code generated for the described class.

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Main Interactions 20  Views present additional information about the items selected in the ontology navigation perspective.  Range view presents for each class, the set of object properties that has the selected class as range

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Open Specification 21  SAS Engineering Environment functionality is based on the functionality provided by the baseline asset NeOn Toolkit.  NeOn Toolkit is an outcome of the NeOn Project (2006 – 2010) and nowadays is maintained by the NeOn Foundation…  So the best way to figure out what it can provide is… to download it and start working:

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – SAS Next Steps 22  SAS Next Steps:  Semantic Repository Component providing:  Application workspace management  RDF Schema + RDF Data storing  Synchronization with Ontology Registry  Frontend Functionality based on NeOn Toolkit framework. Most of the functionality provided by SAS Engineering Environment will be provided as editors, views and perspectives.  Under Ontology Navigation perspective users are able to manage their projects and ontologies, creating or removing projects, loading or creating new ontologies, etc.  In the scope of a given ontology, users are able to manage (adding, removing, etc) main ontology contents such as classes, object properties and data properties. Once selected, ontology contents can be edited by means of a proper editor.

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Summary 23  Semantic Web Application Support GE has been presented, including objectives, basic principles and architecture.  A concrete description of the functionalities that will be available for the first FI-WARE release has been made.  We are wiling to collaborate with UC Projects so let me remind that there is a tracker system so you can suggest functionality, ask for implementation order and interact with the team developing SAS GE.Data TrackerData Tracker

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Hands On: Using SAS GE in your applications. 24  SAS Service Endpoint (URL):  service/webresources/ontology-registry  Demos:  Demo1: Register an ontology in the Registry  Demo 2: List the ontologies contained in the repository and their versions.  Demo 3: List the versions of a given ontology contained in the repository.  Demo 4: Get the metadata related to the latest version of an ontology.  Demo 5:Get the latest version of the ontology from the repository.  Demo 6:Get a specific version of an ontology from the repository.

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Q&A Session Send us your questions through Twitter

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Thank You !!

The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures SAS GE – Main Interactions 27