Classis Grand Rapids East 1 st 50 Years: 1857—1906 1: First CRC (Spring, Commerce) 1868: Classis Michigan (1 of 2 classes) 11 congregations 1879: Eastern Ave (East St) 1882: Classis Grand Rapids (1 of 5) 15 congregations/6,003 members 1890: Oakdale Park
2 nd 50 Years: 1907— : Classis GR East (1 of 9) 11 congregations—6,469 members 1907: Sherman Street 1914: Madison Chapel, started by Oakdale 1915: Neland Avenue 1925: Fuller Avenue 1936: Classis GR East (1 of 15) 29 congregations—13,997 members 1937: Classis GR East (1 of 18) 20 congregations—9,272 members
2 nd 50 Years: 1938— : Seymour 1942: Boston Square 1946: Calvin 1949: Buckley Chapel, by First & Neland 1950: Classis GR East (1 of 19) 38 congregations—16,330 members 1951: Plymouth Heights 1951: Classis GR East (1 of 20) 20 congregations—12,134 members
3 rd 50 Years: 1957— : Classis GR East (1 of 30) 18 congregations—14,130 members 1961: Shawnee Park 1962: Grace (organized) 1968: Woodlawn 1970: Madison Square (organized) 1973: Church of the Servant 1980: Classis GR East (1 of 39) 6 congregations—9,561members
Christ Community, 1976—1989 CentrePointe, 1995—2007 Our 4 th 50 Years: 2007— 2005 Step of Faith (Sherman St) 2008 Madison at Ford (Madison Square) 2008 Celebration Fellowship (COS) 2011 Square Inch (Eastern Ave) 2011 Classis GR East (1 of 47) 15 established and 4 emerging congregations—8,180 members