GT Project Step by Step An online guide
Step 1: Go over this presentation This presentation should give you enough information that you know EXACTLY what to do. Make sure you’ve also gone over the GT Project introduction guide
Step 2: Pick up necessary handouts Handouts can be found in class (back table) and will be uploaded to my website
Step 3: Select a topic -Topic list will be posted on the bulletin board in class as well as online. -Due date for submitting your topic can be found in the classroom calendar as well as in the online class calendar How to fill it out: Student Name: your FULL LEGAL NAME Check off: English Language Arts Social Studies Other Topic Or question to be explored: write in your selected topic Reasons for selecting this topic: I wanted to learn more about this topic/ I found this topic interesting Resources Il will need to develop proposal: Internet, books, databases, prior knowledge about the use of sources Sign it. Date it. I will approve/deny it and sign it.
Step 4: Using a glue stick, glue the COVER PAGE to the front of your folder. Write your FULL LEGAL NAME. Remember that projects will be sent to AUSTIN. The state does not know you by your nickname. District: Sharyland ISD School: Sharyland North Junior High Project ID: (Leave it blank) Topic: (Write your selected topic) Subject: Social Studies The rest we will fill out when you turn it in
Step 4: Fill out the RESEARCH PROPOSAL page. How to fill it out Originator’s Name: write in yours Teacher’s Name: Write mine Area of Study: Social Studies Scope of Proposed Work: Write your topic School: Sharyland North Junior High General Areas of Study: Language Arts Social Studies Personal Social Development Computer Science Reasons for Selecting this topic: I found the topic interesting or did not know much about the topic. Resources: Computer (internet) access Databases Primary sources Books Knowledge and other skills: Computer literacy Distinguishing credible sources Which of the following may limit your study: (check off any of the things you think would stop you from turning in the BEST POSSIBLE PROJECT) Sign it. Parent signs it. Don’t check off anything under Recommendations.
Step 5: Think of 5 questions you have about that person(s) specifically. You can choose or help yourself with the following pre-designated questions: What political, economic, religious, environmental, or sociocultural perspectives influenced and or motivated your subject’s life or lives? What contributing factors led to the subject’s success or demise? How did the subject impact society? What groups or individuals did your subject affect? How did the person or group communicate their perspectives? Who were his, her/her/their primary/secondary audiences? What if the person or group had lived in another time? Would his/her/their point of view have changed? What if the person or group had lived in another part of the country or world? How might he/she/ they have been different? Has the person or groups decreased or increased in popularity over time? What rights or responsibilities did your subject’s work influence? How? What perspectives or points of view did this person inspire or influence? WRITE YOUR 5 QUESTIONS ON A PIECE OF PAPER
Step 6: Look for information that might help you respond to your questions. If its just random information, it doesn’t count. It needs to help explain one of your 5 questions. (See Step 5). Where can I find information? Autobiographies Diaries Textbook Book Database Internet Take notes on a piece of paper, index cards, OR print out the page of information you will use for your project. This will be your PROOF OF RESEARCH. It will be shown to me for a grade.
Step 7: Once you have notes about your person(s) and have some possible answers for the questions you came up with, think of how you want to display the information that you found (museum exhibit). You need to think of 10 items that represent the person/questions you answered. Remember, its kind of like a show- and- tell of items that you can use to explain your answers (from the 5 questions) as well as your person(s).
Step 8: Bring those 10 items to present to class Examples of the kinds of things you can bring: Models Photographs Clothing Visual representations Audio recordings Example: lets say you are doing your project on the person Pocahontas. You could bring a picture of her diary page, a barbie dressed as Pocahontas that shows what she might have dressed like, a clay model of her villiage etc. Presentations take place 2 days before the end of the six weeks. All elements of the project will be submitted at the time of the presentation.
Frequently Asked Questions Do I have to use a poster or tri-board as my project display? No. You can literally bring a model, photos, primary source copies etc. just to show to the class and discuss, and not have to put them on a poster board. Do I have to present? Yes. All students will be presenting in class. What if the topic (person) I want to do my project on is not on the list? You can still do it, IF AND ONLY IF, I OKAY IT. Do I have to dress up for my presentation? I do award extra credit for students who dress up. Remember that a committee in Austin will be viewing your project, and remember the standards I have about dress code. How long is my presentation? It should be about 5 min. long (reg. classes) 5-7 min. long (Pre-AP) Do I have to do this project every six weeks? No. Once you have completed your project you do not have to do this project again. What if I am having trouble coming up with 5 questions about my person? Use the pre-made questions that are included in the project outline or on the power point. Just please make sure you understand what the question is asking, and be sure you are actually trying to answer these questions using the information you find. What if I am having trouble with my project all together? Tutoring is available Thursdays 4-4:45. Bring whatever you have been working on. What if I am not sure what to bring for my 10 show and tell items (museum exhibit)? Think of items that would best illustrate/represent this person, and explain the findings of your 5 questions. Just make sure none of the items you bring are forbidden by the school or dangerous to others. If your person was involved in crime, you can bring images or pictures of the types of weapons they utilized during their lifetime.