Contact Information Office Cell on Twitter Two WebPages: Willis ISD GT (under Academics on WISD main page) My teacher page (in Curriculum under Academics on WISD main page) Mrs. Rogers’ Class Page GT Page
Technology – Class Dojo Class Dojo Class Dojo online, electronic behavior management with student & parent access ( Students have login and password in their journals; you have to activate account – see me for technical issues
Technology - Edmodo Provides ability for students to socialize in a safe network with other GT students Provides ability to turn in electronic assignments (i.e., optional extra credit questions of the week, etc.) Provides a cloud network for storage for students’ project resources accessible from anywhere Edmodo ( – safe, secure, teacher moderated social networkwww.edmodo.com Unique code to connect, no outside access without code Parent account (via unique code) to monitor – ask me for your unique code
B.Y.O.D. – Bring Your Own Device The opportunity to bring your own electronic device to class – with the exclusive purpose of working on a project Students will be notified ahead of time when we will have a work day and when it is appropriate to bring a device. It is not a necessity, just an option
Fall Project We will begin rolling out our fall project this week, they will be due after the Thanksgiving recess [more info will follow] The GT program follows a PBL (Project-Based Learning) format, with an overarching theme and the students allowed to design a project of their own choice This type of project allows the students to take ownership of their learning in an area of interest to them. The theme for our fall project is: “Try Something New” [i.e. learn a new hobby or skill you’ve always wanted to try and share it with the world!]
Social & Emotional Needs of GT Students We will be focusing more on the social & emotional needs of the gifted student this year Learning how to work more in teams/groups How to communicate with others more appropriately when working with a partner or in groups Pushing students outside of their comfort zone via instant challenges Discussing ways to deal with stress, etc.
Grades You will notice that “GT” will now be showing up on report cards I will be giving grades based on class, group, and individual activities this year, as well as projects
Parent Involvement We want and need you!!!!! You are a valuable resource and I would love your input and help. Two options: Parent GT Advisory Committee - meets near the end of the year to provide input and feedback to plan for the coming year GT Parent Booster Committee - meets periodically to mobilize volunteers, plan outings/field trips, assist with community service projects on/off campus