Today’s Objective Learn How to Access the Information Available Online How to Make Decisions and Navigate Online Information
Website Access Go Math’s website is called “Think Central” and can be found at:
You enter your login information that you receive from your building principal
Making Intervention Decisions
To get to all the materials click on resources
You can then select the appropriate grade level and ALL the material is there! As an example lets look at grade 5 teacher edition.
To develop a sense of the success your student may have on a particular lesson click on “Show What You Know” in the table of contents
The number of answers a student is able to answer correctly on the work sheet (which is available under resources!) will provide the level of intervention needed.
The chart provided at the start of every chapter will tell you what level of tiered support is needed and whether to intervene with strategic or intensive interventions
Both the Intensive and the Strategic intervention packets are located under resources. The skills packet has the actual work sheets in it while the activity guide provides guidance in there use.
Again, you can click on the resource you want to go to that exact page.
Manipulatives and Resources
Accessing Manipulatives: Blackline Masters
Under the table of contents you can click on the desired manipulative
These can be printed out and used as you see fit
The “Itools intermediate” icon allows access to interactive math activities that focus on certain skills
Pick the area that applies to the information you are looking for.
You can manipulate the activity to demonstrate student understanding
Locating Printable Resources
The Eplanner
From the table of contents select the current chapter
Each lesson has the common core information and an icon that will take you to all the printable resources. Under digital paths you have access to all the online activities. There is also a professional development icon listed under each lesson
You can also find prerequisite skills worksheets and reteaching pages
This is the “Show What You Know” worksheet from the Eplanner
Furthering your Professional Development with “Go Math”
To take the Go Math online training course go to From there select your course from the quick start menu and click on “Go Math 2012”
From here you have 3 options Quick Look (brief over view) Learning Path (Walk through of all components) Exploring Further (extra resources such as pacing guides)
For professional development on the lessons the Eplanner has an icon under each lesson that will take you a podcast in the selected area.
Objective Review and Further Questions Learn How to Access the Information Available Online How to Make Decisions and Navigate Online Information