Lourdes Cuéllar CELE-UNAM, México
Process of... acquiring knowledge or practical skills incorporating information or content adopting new strategies of knowing or doing (Diccionario de las Ciencias de la Educación, Ed. Aula Santillana, Madrid 1983.
There is no learning, however small, that you achieve through contemplation alone. You learn because you do something with that which you contemplate. And the more you do the more you learn, for as you go forward your vision continues to change. (Silo) Human beings can’t stop learning. Learning makes you enlarge your capability for responding to the world.
The data covering the central area of concern are located in what Silo called "field of presence“. Items not thus designed, such as views, beliefs, are assumptions that are rarely considered, are described as in “co-presence.”
Learners not only listen to or pay attention to the linguistic aspects of the language. They also perceive all the external elements that are around, as well as attitudes, gestures, comments, annoyances, misunderstandings, perplexity, disagreements, surprises, etc. Everything is recorded and will have relevance when it is time to respond.
Learning transforms us (auto-transformation), even if it is not the main goal. “When I realize how much Chinese I can understand, I feel superpowerful, and I feel I could learn any language I want”. (Joanna, Chinese student)
Learning makes us happier. “It makes me very grateful to understand even a single word in a sentence we call complex”. (Jorge, Chinese student) “I always enjoy class a lot, especially the cultural talks, history, or the context of Chinese”. (Felipe, Chinese student)
Learning enriches our lives. “The study of the [Chinese] language was much more rewarding than any class that I have taken in the Faculty of Sciences in terms of modeling new perspectives on life.” (Jorge, Chinese student)
Learning helps us fall in love. “The teacher talked a bit what happened in China, the customs, his experience of arriving the first time, his detailed explanation of radicals, as well as the idea that he had about each of them. All this woke up something inside me that motivated me to continue studying the language. It was no longer a monetary interest, no longer question of ego or competitiveness, but instead a feeling that the Chinese feel: despite the complexity and difficulty, I was interested more and more, to such an extent that in this part of my life, I believe I have fallen in love with Chinese.”
Learning helps us fall in love. “When you start a courtship with a person only by walking or not staying alone, the relationship seems boring, monotonous, and short-lived. Instead, when you feel love for someone or something, you enjoy every moment, every experience, and all the everyday struggles to help this relationship last, prompting you to continue the love.”
I say YES. It is important to differentiate the recording of learning, associated with the expansion of the capacity of response and therefore opening of the future, even if you encounter something that is recorded as an error, with the school experience that can [sometimes] leave negative recordings.
What produces displeasure or contradiction? The learning experience itself or the conditions in which that experience occurred and that were recorded globally in the memory?
It involves emotions It involves motivation, often multiple types of it. It involves cognition (thinking) and information integration It involves movement or transformation (border-crossing)
The creative scientist “lives for the moments of glory, when a problem is solved, when, suddenly, he or she sees things through a microscope in a very different way than before; for the moments of revelation, of light, of insight, of understanding, of ecstasy”
Flow is “the state in which people are so involved in the activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience itself is so pleasant that people choose to do it despite the great cost, for the sheer purpose of doing it.”
Inspired consciousness is a global psychological structure capable of... Achieving immediate intuitions of reality Organizing ensembles of experience Prioritizing understandings transmitted in multiple ways Changing our habitual way of thinking
Even presented in different levels, wiht different deeps, we can asure that inspiration is present in learning. It doesn’t depend on one simple factor. It doesn’t depend only on teachers. It doesn’t depend on the simple wish to get it.
Inspired consciousness happens and it is a very personal experience linked with a very deep personal search or even with a sacred moment. We could create better conditions for students to be closer to achieve inspiration and may be, trough it, touch a inspired consciousness state. As teachers or tutors we have to take care aobut: Treatment teacher-students and between students Respect to China, its culture, its people, its way of thinking. The value of each result, stpe by step The value of the process of learning. The love and disposition to know other way of life and thinking. Reflection on self culture and thinking.
It is so different that gives more opportunities of discoverings. Needs a very clear context to be understood, so you have to teach culture, philosophy, art, etc. Most of our students study chinese because they feel like to, they are not forced. Learning chinese needs a great capability to link different information, to deduce, to guess, to learn. This is exciting and inspiring.
The students stories don’t talk about grammar or linguistics,but about emotions and feelings. The most powerfull motivation to learn a foreign language has nothing to do with the content itself, but with the pleasure of growing up as human being. Learning must be studied from new points of view and inspiration must be present. The joy and love of teaching and learning helps us to really understand each other. All we do towards the understanding of peoples will help us to build a new world, a new life.