Welcome & Introduction. Welcome & Introduction.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome & Introduction

Today’s open house Purpose of open house General Plan 101 Team, scope, & schedule Progress to date Next steps 3

1 Purpose of open house Learn about citywide plans Understand city responsibilities Obtain public input on issues & opportunities Generate ideas for the future Engage the Rossmoor community 4

2 General Plan 101 5

What is a general plan? Every city/county in California must prepare a comprehensive plan for how it will evolve and grow in the future (next 15─20 yrs) Called a General Plan, it contains policies that are the basis for land use decisions and capital improvements Guides city council, commissions, and staff 6

What a general plan isn’t It is not zoning Zoning implements general plan policy and dictates precisely what you can/cannot do on an individual property It is not design guidelines Although a general plan can contain policies regarding site/community design, design guidelines cover detailed issues like building elements or façade design It does not focus on short term actions While a general plan will consider short term issues and actions, the overall emphasis is on long term changes and improvement 7

What does the general plan address? 7 elements required by state law Growth management element Optional elements and topics City and sphere of influence (Rossmoor) 1. Land use 2. Circulation 3. Housing 4. Open Space 5. Conservation 6. Safety 7. Noise 8

Land Use 1/7 MAJOR TOPICS - Compatibility of uses - Balance/mix of uses - Intensity of buildings - Opportunity areas 9

Circulation 2/7 MAJOR TOPICS - Efficient roadways - Bicycle/transit/pedestrian access - Infrastructure systems 10

Housing 3/7 MAJOR TOPICS - Supply/diversity of housing options - Housing assistance - Regulatory obstacles - Special needs * Already updated 11

Open Space & Rec 4/7 MAJOR TOPICS - Parks & recreation needs - Community facilities - Trails & easements - Joint use facilities and opportunities 12

Conservation 5/7 MAJOR TOPICS - Historic & cultural resources - Air & water quality - Natural resources 13

Safety 6/7 MAJOR TOPICS - Police & fire - Natural hazards - Emergency readiness - Hazardous materials 14

Noise 7/7 MAJOR TOPICS - Roadway noise - JFTB activities - Noise-generating land uses 15

Growth Management reqd‘ for OC MAJOR TOPICS - Measure M - Monitoring & mitigation - Interjurisdictional & regional cooperation 16

Economic Development optional MAJOR TOPICS - Fiscal Sustainability - Business development & retention - Reinvestment & revitalization 17

Why is the GP so important? Planning vs reacting We need to plan for opportunities instead of just reacting to them – otherwise, we risk being ill-prepared and uncompetitive Long vs short term We sometimes sacrifice long term benefits & objectives because of short term concerns – improving our community may take time but it is worth it State law/legal challenges A general plan is required by state law and is the legal basis for land use and circulation decisions 18

What are some related plans? Capital improvement plans (roads, sidewalks, landscaping,…) Other infrastructure master plans (sewer, water, storm drainage,…) Regional plans (OCTA bus service, highways and major roadways,…) 19

Who uses the General Plan? City Council, commissions, and staff Individuals and businesses Investors and developers 20

3 Team | Scope | Schedule 21

Primary Team City Staff Steven Mendoza Community Dev’t Director Consultant Team The Planning Center Fehr & Peers Fuscoe Engineering Cogstone Role City Project Manager Role Consultant Project Manager General Plan & EIR Transportation Infrastructure Cultural/Arch Resources 22

Consultant names/roles Experience/Knowledge 30+ GP/EIRs Useful/defensible EIRs Los Al Corridors Plan Pragmatic reputation Solution driven Military base use/reuse Pragmatic prag·mat·ic /pragˈmatik/ Adjective Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations 23

Scope | Schedule 18-20 month schedule Kickoff: August 2011 Completion Goal: Spring 2013 2011 2012 2013 A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M 24

Kickoff & Outreach Aug–Sep 2011 Meet with staff, Planning Commission, and Tech Advisory Committee (TAC) Website Start public survey Fact sheet | 2011 2012 2013 A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M 25

Outreach & Analysis Oct–Dec 2011 Community interviews Council & commission interviews TAC meeting Issues, opps, and constraints | 2011 2012 2013 A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M 26

Outreach & Land Plan Jan–May 2012 Community open houses TAC and focus group meetings Draft land use plan City staff study session You are here 2011 | 2012 2013 A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M 27

Elements & EIR Mar–Sep 2012 Update General Plan elements City staff study session EIR scoping meeting Screencheck EIR | tech studies 2011 | 2012 2013 A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M 28

Draft EIR & GP Aug–Dec 2012 Public review period DEIR Draft General Plan Final TAC meeting 2011 2012 | 2012 2013 A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M 29

Hearings & Adoption Nov 2012–Jan/Mar 2013 Joint PC/CC study session Planning Commission [2] City Council [2] 2011 2012 | 2013 A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M 30

4 Progress to date Website launched www.losalgeneralplan.org Project fact sheet created Public survey (short & long) started 2 meetings with Tech Advisory Committee 31

4 Progress to date 10 meetings with city commissions (4 Planning, 3 Parks & Rec, 3 Traffic) 26 Stakeholder interviews (incl. 6 from Rossmoor) Initial Issues, opps, & constraints Open houses 32

5 Next steps March – May 2012 Hold 3 community open houses Finalize existing conditions analysis Meet with TAC & focus group Draft Land Use Plan EIR Scoping Meeting 33

Please provide us with your input Thank you! Please provide us with your input