D OUGLAS C OUNTY LEAP P ROGRAM Learning & Early Assessment for Preschoolers
P ROGRAM O VERVIEW Who qualifies (Ages etc.) Mission Vision Services provided free of charge Services provided free of charge to eligible children (This info is found on the special education page of the Douglas County School System website) 5 Domains Continuum of services (LRE) Schools where facility based classes are located Programs/methods used
M R. R OGERS Q UOTE A BOUT C HILDREN “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” Fred Rogers
W HO Q UALIFIES ? The Douglas County School’s LEAP program is an early intervention program serving children ages 3 to 5 who reside in Douglas County. The program is a division of the Douglas County Schools Program For Exceptional Children. To be eligible for the LEAP program, a child must exhibit a significant delay in one or more of the following areas: Cognition, Speech/Language, Motor Skills, Social Skills, Adaptive Skills, Vision Impairment, or Hearing Impairment. If you have concerns regarding your child’s development, please call
M ISSION In collaboration with family and community, the Douglas County LEAP program will foster positive growth for young children based on their developmental needs through quality instruction in a safe supportive language enriched environment.
V ISION To become a model program that maximizes individual potential of our students and to help the parents and the community at large to realize and value the student’s unique abilities.
S ERVICES PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE The following services are provided free of charge: The services below are provided free of charge to eligible children: Hearing screenings Vision screenings Evaluation Speech/Language Developmental Speech/Language Services Developmental Services Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy
F IVE D OMAINS Cognition Skills Communication Skills Motor Skills Personal/Social Skills Adaptive Skills
C OGNITIVE S KILLS Singing songs/finger plays Sorting objects by categories Food Clothing Transportation Animals Rote counting Attention and Memory, Perception and Concepts, Reasoning and Academics
C OMMUNICATION S KILLS Verbalizing wants and needs Identifying objects Receptive SkillsExpressive Skills Following directions Understanding the names of objects Additional support provided as needed by the Speech and Language Therapist
M OTOR S KILLS Activities that encourage large muscle strength/endurance Running Jumping Climbing Balance beam Additional Support provided as needed by the Physical Therapist Activities that encourage small muscle strength Stringing beads Pegboards Puzzles Coloring Additional support provided as needed by the Occupational Therapist Gross Motor SkillsFine Motor Skills
P ERSONAL AND S OCIAL S KILLS Adult Relationships Seeks adult help with new skills Shows pride to adults with newly acquired skills Peer Relationships Shares toys and materials Takes turns Initiates peer interactions Building Relationships with Adults and Peers
A DAPTIVE S KILLS Eating Table manners Utensil usage Dressing Fasteners Shoes Coats Toileting Indicating the need to use the restroom Using the restroom Washing hands Daily Living and Independent Skills Additional support provided as needed by the Occupational Therapist
D OUGLAS C OUNTY LEAP P ROGRAM Service Options Classrooms Curriculum Programs and Methods Standards
S ERVICE OPTIONS Community based Facility based Home based The least restrictive environment for each child is determined by their IEP committee.
F ACILITY B ASED C LASSROOM LOCATIONS Mason Creek Elementary Mirror Lake Elementary North Douglas Elementary Factory Shoals Elementary Burnett Elementary New Manchester Elementary School Holly Springs Elementary HeadStart
P ROGRAMS AND M ETHODS Recognition and Response (RTI at the preschool level) Let’s Play, Learn Handwriting Without Tears Read It Once Again Visual Phonics Every Day in Pre-K Math (Calendar Math) Applied Behavioral Analysis Discrete Trial Teaching Verbal Behavior Various modes of Assistive Technology Positive Behavioral Supports A variety of techniques and methods are used to enhance the curriculum and standards.
S TANDARDS FOR Y OUNG C HILDREN Georgia Early Learning Standards Infant Standards One Year Standards Two Year Standards Three Year Standards Georgia’s Pre-K Content Standards Four Year Standards Website: Bright from the Start- Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
LEAP S TAFF AT M ASON C REEK E LEMENTARY Mrs. Cyndi Chappel, Mrs. Kendra Davidson, Mrs. Allison Simmons