GGBN 2012 MEETING TASK FORCE INTRODUCTION Katharine Barker GGBN Coordinator Smithsonian Institution
GGBN Task Forces Data Standards and Data Access for Genomic Samples Policies and Practices Related to Management and Stewardship of Genomic Samples Marketing and Outreach
Data Standards and Data AccessTask Force Program of Work Develop a standard for sharing DNA and tissue information Develop a global platform for aggregating relevant data sources of genomic samples, vouchers, molecular analysis, publications, and images
Main Outcomes Identify collection gaps across the Tree of Life (TOL) Members adapt standards for sharing DNA/tissues information Member website (data portal) Access to aggregated information on genomic samples, metadata, DNA, images, publications, etc.
Policies and Practices Task Force Program of Work Define best practices and assist members towards achievement Develop a values statement in support of member organizations' work on access and benefit sharing (ABS)
Main Outcomes Members adapt policies and best practices guidelines
Marketing and Outreach Task Force Program of Work Promote a shared vision for genome-level repositories and disseminate information to raise awareness of them
Main Outcomes Information on member DNA and tissue holdings made publicly available Increased interest and participation in the Global Genome Biodiversity Network
2012 Meeting Goals Define user demands/function and services Identify data and metadata standard Develop directory Develop best practices and ABS statement Develop marketing and outreach strategy Finalize five year work plans Develop sustainment plan
Schedule Review Friday GGBN Use Case Presentations and Discussion Task force working sessions (led by ISC liaisons) DNA Bank Network capabilities/DFG discussion Data Standards and Data Access plenary (metadata) Group dinner Saturday Task force working sessions (led by ISC liaisons) Marketing and Outreach plenary (strategy) Policies and Practices plenary (best practices and ABS) Field trip (NHM Denmark Cryo-facility) Sunday Plenary, led by ISC (Governance, membership, secretariat) Five year workplans (finalize) Closing discussion
Credits Ornithologist Chris Milensky extracts a Chestnut-backed Jewel Babbler from a mist net in the Foja Mtns. of New Guinea, image by Juniperus phoenicea, image by Wojciech Przybylski and courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Antilocapra americana, image by Kristopher Helgen Eragrostis tef, image by Rasbak and courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and EOL rapid response Entomologist Ted Schultz collects ants by hand in Guyana, by Jeffrey Sosa-Calvo Tissue sample prepared in a cryogenic tube, by Christina A. Gebhard Passerina cyanea, image by Kevin Bolton and courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Cryogenic tubes, courtesy of Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin Biorepository Robot, image by Donald Hurlbert courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Tree of Life, modified from David M. Hillis, Derrick Zwickl, and Robin Gutell, University of Texas. K. Schmidt preparing a bird specimen, image by Christina A. Gebhard, Personal Communication Div Birds Chris Milensky extracts a Chestnut-backed Jewel Babbler from a mist net in the Foja Mtns. of New Guinea, image by Christopher Milensky Personal Communication Div Birds Chris Milensky demonstrates techniques for preparing a study skin of a hawk to members of an ornithology training class in Gabon, image by Christopher Milensky Personal Communication Div Birds Ted Shultz collecting ants by hand, image by Jeffrey Sosa-Calvo An intern pours liquid nitrogen into a container where tissue samples will be sorted, image by Azhar Husain DNA Analysis, image by Chris Meyer Biorepository-004_55, image by Donald Hurlbert courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Parallalb, image by and courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Suomi NPP Blue Marble, NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring Mycale laxissima, image by Klaus Ruetzler Centropyge flavissimus, image by Jeffrey T. Williams and courtesy of MooreaBiocodesPhotoStream Phidippus mystaceus, image by Thomas Shahan and courtesy of Wikimedia Commons