Global Compact Networks Strategies and Approaches Michael Urminsky International Labour Office
On the GC Site 144 companies have sent letters. Bulgaria 54, Turkey 50, Russia 18, Latvia 13 Companies in only 10 of 30 countries 4 Communications of Progress (3%) 3 National Networks listed on GC Site 4 Projects Poland, Serbia Montenegro, Turkey*2
Networks Conference – Nov 2004 Local networks was stressed in review of the Global Compact by Mckinsey and by the Summit in 2004 Networks Conference will focus on Governance of Networks and delivering on their full potential
What is an ideal Network? Multistakeholder Business & Business Organisations Trade Unions & Employers Organisation Relevant NGOs (Human Rights, Environment) UN Agencies (Hungary) Active Plays supporting role, assists companies, communicates with GC Office, has a secretariat
Questions and Learning What has been the experience of existing networks from the regions? Poland, Latvia, Turkey … ? What have been the major challenges in setting up networks and delivering results?
Challenges for Networks Sustainability Secretariat (staffing) $$$ Principled based approaches General CSR vs. Activities linked to the Principles Encouraging submission of quality COPs # of COPs, quality and comments
Challenges for Networks Champions Do they promote it or does it become a small circle Understanding what the principles mean Training Programmes Progressive nature of the Global Compact Undermining vs. progressive Integrity measures ???
Tools to help Networks Awareness raising Your Guide to the UN Global Compact CD ROM – 9 Principles New one under production “Raising the Bar” – outline of CSR Tools Management Training UNEP list of training and study guides Human Rights? ILO Training Programme
Tools to Help Networks Good Practice ILO Training Materials “Raising the Bar” GC Communications of Progress Communications of Progress GC Web Site “Guidance note on COPs”
Tools - ILO GC Training What is the Global Compact? Why should a business care? What do the Labour Principles mean? How to go from Principles to Practice. Lecturing Good Practice Problem Solving Action Planning