AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Services to support the update of the EMEP EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook, in particular on methodologies for black carbon emissions TFEIP meeting, May Istanbul, Turkey Ole-Kenneth Nielsen Department of Environmental Science Aarhus University
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Outline ›Introduction ›Objective of the project ›Tasks ›Comments to the draft chapters ›Identified issues – general ›Final deliverables ›Conclusions
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Introduction (1) ›Part of the EU review of its air pollution policy ›The review included reviews of the 2005 Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution, the Air Quality Directive 2008/50/EC and the National Emission Ceilings Directive 2001/81/EC (NECD ›The setting of new environmental objectives and emission reduction targets in a revised strategy and associated instruments require robust emission inventories
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Introduction (2) ›The joint EMEP/EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook (the “GB”) is the central reference manual used to support countries in estimating emissions under the NECD and the UNECE Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) Convention ›The NECD provides direct reference to the EMEP/EEA GB in its annex III and it hence relies on the GB to provide methodologies for accurate and complete emission inventories in compliance checking
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Introduction (3) ›The GB requires periodic updates, to ensure that the most up to date knowledge and understanding of emissions is available ›This process is lead and managed by the TFEIP ›The leaders of the TFEIP expert panels have the overall responsibility for maintaining and developing the chapters within their respective remits ›The project was completed in close cooperation with the Task Force on Emission Inventories and projections (TFEIP), EEA and DG Environment
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Objective of the project ›To update specific chapters of the EMEP EEA Guidebook ›For the specific tasks defined, this was done by: ›A literature review to establish options for the updating of specific chapters ›Presentation and discussion at the TFEIP/EIONET meeting in Berne (May ) ›Preparation of draft chapters based on the discussion papers and comments received for subsequent review by the TFEIP ›Finalisation of the draft chapters following receipt of comments ›Inclusion of changed/new emission factors in the Guidebook’s emission factor database (EFDB)
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Tasks to achieve the objective ›Task 1: Review and addition of black carbon methodologies, EFs and reference material ›Task 2: Review of consistency between EFs for: PM (all size fractions), HMs, POPs and BC ›Task 3: Updates to domestic and other solvent use ›Task 4: Updates to small combustion sources ›Task 5: Updates to PM fugitive emissions ›Task 6: Review and addition of NMVOC emissions from manure management systems ›Task 7: Review and addition of ammonia emissions from fertilisers
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Comments received ›Comments were received from: ›UK ›Germany ›Sweden ›Hungary ›Spain ›Ireland ›Poland ›The Netherlands ›Italy ›Switzerland ›European Aluminium Association ›CONCAWE ›TFEIP EP leaders
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Number of comments received ›Most reviewers responded using the template ›In the template there was 336 comments ›In addition a number of textual comments have been provided in Word documents ›Sometimes more difficult to track the issue since there frequently is no mention of page/line number SectorNumber IP137 Energy91 Agriculture43 Fugitive30 Solvents21 Waste12 General2 Grand Total336
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May General issues ›Harmonisation ›Units (Especially BC but also Mg rather than te, etc.) ›Terminology (guidebook with capital G, tier with capital T) ›Completion of EF tables ›Ensuring that all pollutants are either included with an EF or listed as NE or NA ›Deletion of all pollutants not included in the reporting template (NFR) ›Language ›Language needs to be improved
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Issues related to tiers ›Different practice in different chapters ›Why only one tier 1 EF table per chapter? ›For some chapters (especially “other”) it makes little or no sense to have one tier 1 EF table ›Is it useful to maintain the unabated tier 2 tables? ›Is it meaningful/helpful to have identical tables both in tier 1 and tier 2?
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Comments outside the scope of the project ›A number of the comments received fell outside the scope of the project ›Some of these comments were editorial and were implemented without a significant workload ›Others were more substantial in terms of complexity and/or workload ›Some proposals required the view of the TFEIP and could not be decided by the project team ›The TFEIP will need to decide if and how to address these issues
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Final deliverables ›Final draft chapters ›Updated discussion papers ›Updated EF database ›The used references in the project ›The references have been provided to the EEA as a future library ›It has not been possible to acquire copies of all current references – should be ensured in any future updates
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Conclusions (1) ›Many improvements to the GB were carried out for the different tasks ›Large involvement from TFIEP members in commenting during the entire project ›The many comments shows the large interest from the emission inventory community in ensuring the quality of the GB ›A number of comments were related to parts of the GB chapters that were not covered by the project
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May Conclusions (2) ›It will require continuous efforts to ensure the quality and relevance of the GB ›BC guidance should be reviewed in time when more knowledge becomes available ›Many chapters, especially within C&I, are still in need of significant updating to bring the scientific level up to date ›Future updating should focus on specific chapters (groups of chapters) rather than single pollutants (or group of pollutants) ›Improvements should be prioritised for chapters where the use is widespread user survey to determine which source sectors (EFs) are the ones where most countries depend on the GB
AARHUS UNIVERSITY DCE - DANISH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY May The project team ›Morten Winther ›Malene Nielsen ›Mette H. Mikkelsen ›Katja Hjelgaard ›Leif Hoffmann ›Marlene Plejdrup ›Steen Gyldenkærne ›Rikke Albrektsen ›Patrik Fauser ›Henrik G. Bruun ›Members of the project team are in Istanbul ›Available for discussion at EP sessions and during breaks