Welcome to the Information Session
1.What is GiveNOLA Day and why should you participate? 2. What is GNOF’s role? 3. What is your role? 4.Getting Started…1, 2, 3, GO!
The Match GiveNOLA Day is…
It’s Tuesday, May 6 th – one day we come together as one to support our local nonprofits in the Greater New Orleans area. It’s a community wide event led by the Greater New Orleans Foundation to raise as much money as possible for our area nonprofit organizations through online fundraising. It’s an opportunity to discover and engage new donors. Every donation on will receive a proportional share of matching national and local funds. GiveNOLA Day is…
We are joining more than 100 communities on a single day to raise funds that support the work YOU do. Local impact with a national twist
Give to Lincoln o Raised $1.3 million o 5,448 donors o 187 participating nonprofits Amplify Austin o Raised $2.7 million o 20,467 donors o 320 participating nonprofits Pittsburgh Gives o Raised $7 million o 17,700 donors o 739 participating nonprofits
Raise $1,000,000 5,000 Donors 250 Participating Nonprofits
What are the Benefits for Nonprofits? Raise unrestricted revenue for your organization Fundraising Connect with new and next generation donors and continue to build relationship with current donors Friend Raising Deepen relationships with individuals about your mission, organization and philanthropy in general Awareness Building
1.Host GiveNOLA Day 2.Provide Nonprofit Support 3.Raise local match dollars 4.Disburse Funds GNOF’s role is to…
Host GiveNOLA: Provide online platform, Promote the day Start a local movement, One Day to Give as One!
Workshops A tool kit for success PSAs on local TV stations Paid advertising support on NOLA.com and The Advocate Branded signs and t-shirts Significant PR support with outreach to all local media Nonprofit Support:
How it Works… All transactions processed online through a secure portal For tax purposes, donors receive an immediate gift acknowledgment from GNOF Net cash remitted to GNOF (approx 93%-95% of gift) - Standard credit card processing fees - Kimbia processing fees - GNOF receives NO fee for this event GNOF calculates match pool and remits balance
Cash Match / Awards / Prizes GNOF’s goal of $150,000 for the match pool Additional awards based on activity Hourly prizes will be selected at random National match dollars will also be available
Nonprofits will be divided into two groups based on budget: Small $1 million Most $$ RaisedMost Donors 1 st place $10,0001 st place 10,000 2 nd place $5,000 3 rd place $3,000
The Match Based on each nonprofit dollars raised Each nonprofit will receive their proportional share For example… - Total Match fund of $150,000 - Total raised during the day $1,000,000 - NPO #1 raises $100,000 (or 10% of the total of the day) - NPO #1 receives a match of $15,000 (or 10% of the total Match Pool)
Disbursement After May 6, GNOF will reconcile all totals and calculate the appropriate match dollars Prizes and awards will be tallied Each NPO who received a gift will be sent a check by June 30, 2014
1.Create a profile on 2.Attend one of the mandatory nonprofit workshops 3.Promote GiveNOLA Day!
Click here!
The Approval Process Once your online profile has been created, you will receive an with your nonprofit profile link. The deadline for completing a GiveNOLA profile is March 17 th, Due diligence will be conducted by GNOF staff.
Eligibility Requirements 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that are in good standing with the IRS. Organizations with a fiscal sponsor that is a 501(c)(3) organization in good standing with the IRS. The organization’s service area and mailing address are in the Greater New Orleans Foundation 13-parish region.
Mandatory Workshop If approved, you will receive an with the dates & times of the mandatory workshops. Your nonprofit is required to attend one workshop. If your organization fails to comply, your profile will be removed from the GiveNOLA website.
Workshop Dates February :00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. February :30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. March 7 - 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. March 7 - 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. March :00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. April 8 - 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. April 8 - 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. April :00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
GiveNOLA Day FAST FACTS GiveNOLA Website: #GiveNOLA Facebook: Questions?