Common Ground Initiative Supporting positive change in Africa 27 th February 2012
Aims of the day Increased understanding of: Comic Relief, our principles and approach to project and programme outcomes What makes a successful application to Comic Relief with a focus on the Common Ground Initiative
Strategic Goals Following extensive consultation with various small and Diaspora organisations in early 2009, the following strategic goals were set: Grant Making - Support work that will tackle poverty and injustice among communities in Africa and bring about lasting change Advocacy - Provide opportunities for small and Diaspora organizations to influence international development Organisational Development - Enable small and Diaspora organisations to build their capacity to effectively support programmes and influence policy makers Communication - Create greater awareness of Diaspora and small organisations’ contribution to international development Learning - Contribute to knowledge and learning about the experience of Diaspora in international development
Eligibility Small UK registered charities (turnover of under £1 million over the last two years) Diaspora registered charities Organisations where the majority of the trustees define themselves as being of African heritage; who live in the UK and – irrespective of citizenship – retain emotional, financial and cultural links with their country and/or the African continent; and who share a commitment to tackle poverty and injustice in Africa and whose organisational aims reflect that commitment. Other UK registered organisations able to show how profits generated from the project directly benefit the targeted communities Trade Programme & the Common Ground Enterprise and Employment Programme only
Funding Options All eligible organisations will be included in the CGI and can apply for work in Africa through the 7 existing programmes: Street and Working Children and Young People Women and Girls People Living in Urban Slums People Affected by Conflict People Affected By HIV Trade Sport for Change Or under the three CGI programmes: Health Education Enterprise and Employment
Grant Making Models All eligible organisations can apply for a: Research, Consultation and Planning Grant – up to £25k, to build the knowledge and relationships needed to formulate funding applications Or a; Project Grant - £10k to £1 million, lasting up to 5 years
What makes a good Application? Basics – Complete the forms, answer the questions, avoid jargon Policies – Do check these Programmes – target groups essential, contribution to outcomes increases fit, programme specific questions are important Capacity and track record – must fit your objects, consider impact of scale up Principles – balance immediate needs vs. root causes, demonstrate specific planning work undertaken, how local organisations will be developed, involve local people Budget – justify costs, balance against role of partners
CR Principles Understanding the context Consulting with key players Building on good practice Involving local people Investing in local organizations Working with others Implementing Learning Strategies Applying Learning
Comic Relief Funding Policies Do not fund work where the institutional care of children or adults is a preferred way of working such as orphanages Does not generally fund the provision of mainstream, basic health, education or other services that are the primary responsibility of government with the support of major bilateral or multilateral funding Do not fund the provision of ARVs Will not fund organizations whose mission or charitable objectives state an intention to convert people to any kind of religious beliefs For a full list of Comic Relief’s Grant Making Policies for Project or Research Grants please visit our website at
What do we mean by Outcomes? Project – intended or unintended effects or changes to people’s lives that happen as a result of the project or organisation’s activities Organisation – changes in the capacity of funded organisations as a result of project activities
Defining Project Outcomes Focus on changes to people’s lives Go beyond project activities to changes Expressed as a result SMART – outcome or its associated indicators for measuring changes Be simple – not more than one change, but can include intermediate and final change Not provoke a ‘so what’ question!
Defining Project Outcomes Specific – one change and for whom Measurable – types of measures and how Attainable – can achieve, contribution Relevant – relate to needs of diff groups Time-bound – by when achieved
Short listing – 3 team members read Approval/rejection – within one month, reapplication by invitation Full application submission – in 3 weeks (or defer to next cycle) Assessment – Consultant, 3 week window, Programme Advisory Groups – Team, Assessors and Advisors International Grants Committee – Team, Directors, Trustees and Advisors Trustees – Decide on all grants, approval/rejection – in 3 months Set Up – Conditions, start up form, payment earliest 1 month, in advance annually Summary stage Full stage Application Process
How do I Apply?
Application Form
Parts A & B: about you and your partners; Part C: summary, £ applied for, how long; Part D: background & consultation; Part E: target groups; Part F: the change you aim to make; Part G: what you’ll be doing (activities) Part H: about roles & responsibilities for the different partners Part I: is about Learning and includes your M&E plan Introducing the Application Form
Budget Template New budget template has embedded macros so you have to type onto that file, not copy the formatting onto another file 4 sections to balance Income Expenditure splits by type(automatic) & organisation (not) Expenditure Need to say what type of income/spend We look for detailed costs of activities We look for the difference A column for notes – feel free... We read the narrative and budget in parallel
Grant-making cycles Cycle 7 GMS open for summary applications28 th February 2012 Stage 1: Project Summary or Research applications 9 th May 2012 (Midday) Stage 2: Full application deadline for Project applications 9 th July 2012 (Midday) Assessment Period11 July 2012 – 24 September 2012 DecisionNovember 2012
Any Questions?
Contact Information Advocacy: Ruth Talbot: Education | Organisational Development: Rupal Mistry: Enterprise and Employment | Health: Georgina Awoonor-Gordon: General Enquiries: