Who rules the roost?
But in reality, how do I get those colonists to obey my rules? What I say goes!
Colonial Government British Crown Royal Governor Council Colonial Assembly Appointed by the King (King’s friends) Could dismiss the Colonial Assembly Oversaw Colonial trade (tax, smuggling) Had final approval on laws created on the local level Appointed by Governor (aligned with King’s side of things) Advisory board to governor Acted as highest court in each colony Elected by Colonial residents Made local laws Had authority to tax (local taxes) AKA…The King
Colonial Government
When it comes down to it… British Monarchy – ultimate authority Each colony created their own local government (elections)
New England Town meeting – discussion and decision (close knit) Colonial courts (reflected ideals of local community: Pilgrims, Puritans, education) South County officials (spread far apart) Colonial courts (reflected ideals of local community: slavery, cash crops, plantations) Middle Combination of NE and S Colonial courts (reflected ideals of local community: Quakers, trade) Local Politics
Loyalists – King’s side Colonists – New version of freedom What are the + and – to this kind of government mix?
…why did Great Britain want colonial territory?
Colonies meant to Mother England… Resource for raw materials (land) A market for selling finished goods (markets = exchange of money) Land and Money = Power
NO – lots of nations wanted to compete to be the biggest and the best Who?
Does this spirit go away? Do other nations stop competing just because they weren’t the first?
Seek new lands with natural resources
As colonists begin to spread out who/what stands in their way? Appalachian Mountains Mississippi River Other European explorers (namely: French) Native Americans
What was the result of competing for this land?
French and Indian War
Who : Great Britain/Colonists vs. French/Indians (George Washington’s rise to fame) What : Conflict over land Where: Ohio River Valley (near Ohio/PA) When : ( also called the Seven Years War…why?) (Treaty of Paris – not signed until 1763) Why : World power and domination in the Americas *see Chester Comix French and Indian War Basics
Outcome/Results: British victory France withdrew from all claims east of the Mississippi River (still held land west of the Miss. River) French and Indian War Basics
Outcome/Results: Proclamation Line of 1763 An attempt to ease the tension between GB and Native Americans Colonists would not expand westward past the Appalachian Mountains Angered colonists Standing British military to protect claims and colonists Colonists believed they could protect themselves ????????? French and Indian War Basics