4-H – A Great After-School Partner!
4-H is: Citizenship and Civic Education Communication & Expressive Arts Consumer & Family Science Environmental Education Healthy Life Style Education Personal Development & Leadership Plants & Animals Science & Technology
4-H Keeps Utah’s Promise Caring Adults Safe Places Healthy Start Marketable Skills Opportunities to Serve
4-H Can Enhance Your Existing Program!! 4-H has hands-on, learn-by-doing curriculum in a variety of different topics! 4-H has a built-in leadership component, which is great for youth development! 4-H can make lesson planning easier for you!!
Experiential Learning Model EXPERIENCE the activity; do it SHARE the results, reactions & observations publicly PROCESS by discussing, looking at the experience, reflecting GENERALIZE to connect the experience to real-world examples APPLY what was learned to a similar or different situation; practice Do ReflectApply
2 Easy Steps to Make 4-H Work! 1.During club time each day, have a 4-H club meeting. 2.Have YOUTH club leaders start the club meeting to help develop their leadership skills. President -Welcome Vice President - Announcements Secretary - Minutes & Roll Call Pledge Specialist - Pledges Song Leader - Song Activity Chairman - Plan activities
Added Benefits of 4-H!! USU Extension resources are available to your after-school program. 4-H Staff are available to train youth leaders. Registered youth can participate in all 4-H events, camps and service activities. Once you have filled out the necessary paper work, you can start to use the 4-H curriculum to enhance your programming.
4-H Registration Policy: Gather youth information by sending home “4-H Youth Registration” forms. Complete “4-H Club Enrollment Sheet,” making certain all youth are recorded. Return “Club Enrollment Sheets” to the 4-H office. (The 4-H year is from October 1 to September 30. Youth only need to pay the registration fee once during that time.)
To Incorporate 4-H – Please Contact: Extension Agent Address Phone Number address