Georgia’s Climate
Georgia’s Climate Georgia’s regions have different climates. Weather- refers to the day-to-day conditions and changes in the atmosphere. Weather is constantly changing, but the climate remains the same.
Temperature As a result of Ga.’s latitude and longitude and our nearness to the equator, the climate in our state is mild w/ a subtropical feel along the coast. In most places summers are hot/humid and winters are mild. But in the N Ga. Mts. the summers are warm and the winter is pretty cold. The higher in elevation you are, the colder the temp. – Vertical Climate
Temperature The highest temps in the state usually are in July, and the coldest readings are usually in January. Record high is 112°F in 1952 and the record low was -17°F in 1940. Our mild climate is important because it attracts industries and allows us to grow crops. 1 in 6 jobs in Ga. are agricultural related.
Rainfall Very important to the economy. Ga. usually averages 40-76 inches of rain a year depending on the region. July is the wettest month and October is the driest.
Drought From 1998-2002 Ga. experienced severe drought- lack of precipitation over a period of time that results in water shortages. Lack of rain hurts the economy by damaging industry, agriculture, and home owners.
Wind and Water Currents The Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico has a strong influence on Ga. because of the wind, wind currents, and ocean currents. Winds influence the overall weather patterns in Ga. Air masses that start over the Gulf of Mex and the Atlantic control the summer’s warm months and the cold is controlled by air from Alaska and Canada.
Wind and Wind Currents Wind patterns can cause tornadoes and hurricanes. Wind Current- is a continuous movement or flow of air. Trade Winds- winds from the equator that generally flow from the NE. Prevailing Westerlies- winds from the equator that generally blow from W to E. These winds are why we get so many Hurricanes that come through the Gulf. They were also important to the early explorers because they allowed the ships to travel to the New World.
Ocean Currents 71% of earth is covered w/ water. Ocean Currents- rivers of ocean water. Caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun. They contribute to the movement of heat to the poles which balances earth’s surface temperature.
Hurricanes Begin off the coast of Africa. The season is from June till the end of November. Damage comes from the high winds and storm surge. Strength is measured on a 1-5 scale. The National Hurricane center uses male or female names.
Tornadoes Tornado- swirling winds that spin counter clockwise. This spinning causes stuff to be pulled from the ground into the air. Ga. has around 21 of these a year most of them happen from March to May but can happen any time. Ga.’s worst one killed 200 people in Gainesville in 1932.