Coil HQ-03 CMM measurements R. Bossert Dec. 2, 2010
Normalized to outer radius Normalized to all surfaces One square = 100 microns (4 mils) (Section 1143 mm from lead end, in stainless area) Coil HQ03 after testing
Normalized to outer radius Coil HQ03 after testing Normalized to all surfaces One square = 100 microns (4 mils) Coil HQ03 after testing (Section 864 mm from lead end)
Normalized to outer radius Coil HQ03 after testing Normalized to all surfaces One square = 100 microns (4 mils) (Section 619mm from lead end)
Coil 10 at 758mm from lead end looking from lead end After TQC01b 3.0 mils Example of a “typical” TQ coil after testing One square = 100 microns (4 mils)
LQ mm from LE 2nd measurement (after repotting) Example of a “typical” LQ coil (before testing) One square = 100 microns (4 mils)