Gender Technical Advisory Group February 22-23, 2011
Objectives of the Gender TAG To gage progress on the implementation of the Plan of Action within the context of our commitments To receive feedback on the monitoring plan and its evaluation
RER 7.5 Gender analysis and responsive actions incorporated into PAHO/WHO’s normative work and Member States supported through technical cooperation for the formulation of gender- sensitive policies and programs. Indicators Number of PAHO publications that contribute to building evidence on the impact of gender inequalities in health Number of tools and guidance documents developed by PASB for Member States on using gender analysis in health Number of AMPES entities that address and incorporate gender perspectives, including mainstreaming, in the design and implementation of their programs
Policy Goal Contribute to the achievement of gender equality in health status and health development through: Contribute to the achievement of gender equality in health status and health development through: Gender-sensitive research,Gender-sensitive research, Policies and programs,Policies and programs, Active promotion of equality and equity between women and men.Active promotion of equality and equity between women and men.
Strategic Areas to Implement the Gender Equality Policy
Achievements – Biennial Work Plan (PAHO Program Level) Strategic collaboration with NCD/TB/HIV/FCH: Design and initial implementation of a gender and chronic disease project in Nicaragua. Published 2009 Profile of Men and Women in the LAC
Achievements – Biennial Work Plan (PAHO Program Level) Global Policy Dialogue for Better Evidence hosted by PAHO/WHO to Improve Women’s Health through Gender and Health Statistics that resulted in a call for action. Policy discussion with IPPF on contraceptives (UNFPA to distribute through Revolving Fund) Virtual course on Gender and Health to be launched next month (HR/CD and GDR training), other publications (Gender for dummies)
Achievements – Biennial Work Plan (National Level) Gender equality plans have been developed and are being implemented in 5 priority countries - Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Bolivia and Surinam Achieved two important letters of agreement with COMMCA to mainstream gender in Sistema de Integración de C.A. (SICA) - one agreement with COMMCA as UN group and one agreement between COMMCA and COMISCA (Health Ministers);
Achievements – Plan of Action Communications strategy: PoA launched and disseminated across the region in strategic meetings and events with MS representatives and partners Launching the IV Annual Competition on Best Practices Regular contact established with GDR focal points at HQ Partnerships: Partnerships with Women’s Ministries Networks of Central America (COMMCA), Andean Countries (REMMA) and CARICOM (Caribbean) Partnership with 34 existing Civil Society Gender and Health Observatories, and regularly meets with several of these, along with representatives of their health sector Women’s Health Network: PAHO works closely with the Women’s Health Network for Latin America and the Caribbean which has more than 600 affiliates and includes members in national and subregional training sessions
Achievements – Plan of Action Monitoring and Evaluation Reviewed the integration of gender in 10 Governing Body outlines, CCS and other documents Provided feedback to all technical areas and country office entities on integrating GDR in their BWPs. Participated in WHO mid-assessment of gender mainstreaming Supported IES in their assessment of CCP integration in PAHO planning processes.
Challenges Lack of ownership across PAHO entities Limited involvement of GFPs in BWP and budgeting Limited understanding of RBM and planning tools Poor understanding of concepts Unstable and insufficient funding, difficulty in “sharing” funding from different areas
Challenges in M&E Faulty monitoring framework (tagging/linking) Low response rates Limited funding to implement adequately (mid-term vs. baseline) Difficulty in measuring: different WHO system and “pocket projects” outside of PAHO system Limited funds and human resources
Questions Does the M&E framework actually measure and evaluate the intended areas? Does the M&E framework respond to the challenges posed by our previous attempts? How can the M&S framework be improved to respond to challenge, measure, and evaluate?
Gender Resources SourceAmountDeadline Operational Budget for 2011* Pipeline Regular Budget$20,79131-Dec-11 WHO$6,04031-Dec-11 AECID$200,00029-Oct-11 $130,004$241,000 CIDA$111,72630-Jun-11 $51,621$385,000 Subtotal Gender$338,557 $181,625$626,000 SWP Panama CIDA$30,59330-Jun-11 $9,593 AECID$35,46429-Oct-11 $35,464 Total$404,614 $191,218$626,000