Appointment of Headteachers Relationship diagram – showing who is responsible for what and their relationship with others Diocesan Advisers Use National Society guidelines, to provide advice & support (as above) but specifically in relation to:- requirements for headteacher appointments in church schools the school’s strengths & development needs as a church school LA Inspectors Use national regulations & LA procedures to:- provide advice on: ‒ requirements ‒ procedures ‒ processes support governors in the identification of the specific needs of the school obtain advice & support advise & support HR Is available for legal advice if needed supply advert & application pack Version 6 – December 2010 © SDBE Dorset CC Payroll Dept Upload advert and information pack (send copy to Diocesan website to publish advert free of charge) Provide link to on-line application forms LA Inspectors Provide expert advice: on advertisement during shortlisting & interview during decision making provide feedback to candidates Diocesan Advisers Provide expert advice (as above) to church schools Governing Body Responsible for: notifying LA inspectors & Diocesan advisers (in church schools) immediately on receipt of letter of resignation electing Selection Panel (minuted delegation) ratifying the appointment of a headteacher ensuring all meetings are minuted elects elected by School Selection Panel Responsible for: selection process securing the best appointment through working in partnership with Inspectors recommending selected candidate to governing body for ratification advertisement & application process & pack placing advertisement obtains advice advise see notes1 & 2 see note 3 & 4 support
Notes for the Relationship Diagram Note 1 There is a link between the LA Inspectors and the Diocesan Advisers in terms of information. If either of them learns of an impending appointment in church schools they should inform the other. Note 2 There is a charge made to schools for support and advice throughout the Headteacher appointment process. Please see separate document which outlines the charging structure. To reduce the cost to church schools, a single charge is made to procure advisory support from both the LA and the DBE. It is strongly recommended that governing bodies make full use of the support available from both the LA and DBE. Note 3 The advisory role (LA and/or DBE) is to provide professional guidance to the selection panel. This includes the shortlisting process and planning the interview day. During the interview day the inspectors (and Diocesan advisers in a church school) will guide the GB on professional abilities of candidates, working in equal partnership. The GB carries the overall responsibility for making the selection and the appointment; this will include dealing with any queries raised by applicants about the selection process and any challenges and candidate feedback from this. Note 4 The key principles of which the governing body should be aware are that: their role is to seek to appoint the best possible candidate for the school they must address Equal Opportunity and Equality legislation issues e.g.- the need for a fair selection process the need to ensure that reasonable adjustments are in place if needed at interview and that dietary requirements are provided for the need for considerations for a disability/health condition if required by the selected candidate once in post they must ensure Safer Recruitment in line with current legislation – NB additional Safer Recruitment advice will be supplied by adviser/inspectors. N.B. the appointment of the selection panel must be agreed and minuted by the governing body (Regulations 15(3) and 27(3)) as does the agreement of any changes to the Individual School Range (ISR). All Governors must ensure strict confidentiality throughout the process – governors should be aware of the serious difficulties that could arise from lapses in confidentiality
Timeline for Appointment of Headteachers See note 1 Activities: Governing Body: Informs LA and DBE Receives introductory information Arranges preliminary meeting with inspectors & advisers Prepares for preliminary meeting Prepares to elect Selection Panel Weeks 1-2 Headteacher Vacancy [in writing] Date Click for Process Chart 1 Headteacher Vacancy Activities: Governing Body supported by LA inspectors and DBE advisers Agrees key dates Identifies school requirements Agrees Person Specification Determines ISR Discusses advertisement Discusses application pack Elects Selection Panel Preliminary Meeting Week 3 Date Click for Process Chart 2 Process Chart 2 Governors’ Preliminary Meeting Activities: Selection Panel Finalises advert see note 2 see note 2 Finalises application pack Makes arrangements for showing candidates around the school Week 4 Date/s Selection Panel Click for Process Chart 3 Process Chart 3 Selection Panel Activities Activities: Advertisement appears:- N.B. – try to allow at least 2 weeks from advertisement to closing date. Advert published Week 5 Date Activities: Panel supported by advisers Shortlist Agree format of interview and references Inform school of arrangements Chair of Panel − invites candidates to interview − Requests references N.B. allow at least 7 working days before interview Week 8 Date Shortlisting Click for Process Chart 4 Shortlisting Process Chart 4 Activities: As arranged by the Selection Panel in week 4 Candidates visit school Week 6 Date/s Activities: On line applications ready to view Selection panel & advisers read applications in advance of shortlisting and begin to scrutinise them against person specification, N.B. – try to allow at least 4 working days before shortlisting meeting Week 7 Date Application Closing date Further Development Induction year Week 9/10 Date Interview day Click for Process Chart 5Process Chart 5 Interview Activities: Selection panel supported by inspectors & advisers Carries out selection process as in chart 5 Whole governing body Ratifies decision LA inspectors and DBE advisers offer feedback to candidates Version 6 – December 2010 © SDBE
Notes for the timeline Note 1 The timescale is approximate – the process may well take longer. Note 2 In Week 4, it is important to stress that, should the governors place and advertisement with the TES, they need to receive a proof read and signed-off copy by Monday 4pm in order for the advert to appear in a hard copy the following Friday. The online-only advert will need to be with TES a minimum of 48 hours before the “ go live ” date.
Process Chart 1 – Headteacher Vacancy Who is involved? Governing body (GB) - supported by inspectors from Local Authority (LA) and advisers from Diocese (DBE) in Church schools Inputs i.e. information neededActivitiesOutputs i.e. outcomes Headteacher vacancy Date of resignation and vacancy Reason for vacancy Letter of resignation accepted Governors: Inform LA and DBE of headteacher vacancy request introductory information see note 1see note 1 request contact details of LA inspectors & DBE advisers –(for church schools) see note 2 see note 2 LA and DBE informed LA/DBE introductory pack requested see note 1note 1 Inspectors & advisers identified Names and contact details of Inspectors and advisers Information to help GB prepare for the introductory meeting will be sent in advance Arrangements for the preliminary meeting Governors and inspectors/advisers agree time, date & venue of preliminary meeting – (for information about attendees - see note 3)see note 3) Governors are informed of arrangements for preliminary meeting Preliminary meeting arranged Governors are aware of arrangements, purpose and format of preliminary meeting [see Process Chart 2 [see Process Chart 2] Information about the school - see note 4see note 4 Preparation for the preliminary meeting Chair of Finance or Chair of Governors prepares a statement about the school’s financial position All governors consider the context of the school and its needs Information for the preliminary meeting is in hand Governors have an understanding of the context in which they are appointing their new headteacher Information needed for election of the selection panel – see notes 5 & 6 Governors prepare for election of selection panel List of governors’ roles and status Confirmation of the availability of the selection panel for the whole selection process Version 6 – December 2010 © SDBE
Notes for Process Chart 1 Note 1 Introductory information will be sent by HR Recruitment. Further support materials will be delivered by the inspectors/advisers at the preliminary meeting. Note 2 In Church of England schools the DBE adviser and LA inspector will work in equal partnership. In community schools the designated LA inspector will take the lead in supporting the GB. Note 3 Who is involved? Ideally the whole governing body attends at least the first part of the preliminary meeting. If only the selection panel are to be present from the school, then they must have been elected in advance by the whole governing body and the decision minuted (minutes must be brought to this meeting to confirm the activity has taken place in line with criteria). They should meet the criteria in note 5 below. N.B. The whole governing body is responsible for decisions about the ISR. A change of headteacher is an opportunity to change the ISR to meet changing needs of the school. It is recommended that the whole governing body considers essential aspects of the Person Specification. LA inspectors and DBE advisers (in Church Schools) also attend in an advisory capacity. Note 4 Information about the context of the school may include some or all of the following:- Current HT salary and range (ISR) Existing Headteacher Job Description Deputy/Assistant Headteacher pay Financial position of school The SIP annual report to the school The school ’ s Self Evaluation Form Staffing profile National Society Tool-kit (for Church schools) Latest Ofsted Report Latest SIAS Report (for Church schools)
Note 5 Constitution of Selection Panel Must include at least one governor who has completed the Safer Recruitment Training Must include at least one foundation governor in VC schools - In VA schools, foundation governors must be in majority All must be available to be present throughout the process – we recommend 5 members (no less than 3) LA and DBE strongly recommend that staff or teacher governors are not elected to the selection panel. The staff will be keenly interested in their next headteacher and will have views on the leadership qualities they see as important. The panel should, therefore, ensure that staff views have been expressed before the process starts. It is also likely that governors will want staff co-operation during the selection events if, for example, they plan that candidates will meet them over lunch or lead collective worship. Their contribution will be very useful as a part of the whole, but it is unwise to raise expectations about their influence over the process. So the panel should avoid direct involvement of staff in the appointments procedure. This includes the serving headteacher. There are two clear rationales for this. Staff and teacher governors may be determined as having a pecuniary interest and as such should withdraw from any meeting in which the Headteacher ’ s post is considered and may not vote on any of the issues raised. This means they could not be on the appointments panel. The governing body have a duty of care to all staff, including the current headteacher, and including them in the appointment of the headteacher could put a member of staff in a difficult or vulnerable position. LA and DBE recommend that the clerk to the governors is present at all meetings to record decisions, copy paperwork etc. If this is not possible, the selection panel will need to agree who will carry out these tasks. Note 6 The full governing body must give a mandate to the properly elected selection panel for the appointment of the new headteacher subject to full governing body ratification