Handicap International Vietnam Janvier 2012
HI France set up in 1982; HI Belgium set up in 1986; HI Federation in 2010; 1997: co-win the Nobel Prize for the international campaign to ban landmine; 2011: Hilton Humanitarian prize. HI Federation supports programs on prevention of disability, rehabilitation and inclusion for people with disability. Handicap International
Strategic axes/projects on a map 4 fields of intervention: Inclusive Education – IE project, Back Can Physical Rehabilitation Centers – Spinal Cord Injury Units HIV / Aids – HIV/ aids project in Quang Tri Mother and Child Health – Congenital Differences – Welcome To Life Road Safety – Safe Roads for a Better Life – Safe Roads 4 Youth Social and Economic Inclusion – Social Protectoin and Decent Work fpr PWD Hanoi Hue Khanh Hoa Dong Nai Bac Giang Lao Cai Son La Thai Binh Bac Giang Ha Tinh Thanh Hoa Binh Thuan Bac Giang
Towards a right-based access to education for disabled and disadvantaged children, in rural Bac Kan province School physical accessibility Inclusive education toolkit Enhance CwD inclusion Parents support Peer education activities Special education center support
SPINAL UNIT PROJECT 2/ 2007 Decentralization to 3 southern provinces 3/ 2008 Opening a National Reference Spinal Unit in Hanoi 4/ 2010 Decentralization in 6 northern provinces 1/ 2003 First spinal unit opening in HCMC
Towards mainstreaming the discriminated populations in the HIV/AIDS struggle in Vietnam and Laos Behavior change communication Voluntary counselling and testing Support PLHIV Livelihood and microcredit
CONGENITAL DIFFERENCES in Hue province Prevention Early detection Early intervention Integration
WELCOME to LIFE PROJECT KHANH HOA Identification & prevention of risky pregnancies Improvement of delivery conditions Early detection & Care of Baby Disabilities Mutual Risk insurance for pregnant women Rehabilitation of CwD
ROAD SAFETY PROJECT in rural area: Dong Nai Engineering & Enforcement Victims assistance Safe roads for Persons with Disabilities Education & Sensitization
DECENT WORK AND SOCIAL PROTECTION FOR PWD Social Protection Provincial, national advocacy Regional exchanges: Vietnam, Laos, China Employment
A bit of analysis Access to XL file HIB-HIFede projects
A bit of analysis Access to XL file HIB-HIFede projects by field merged
Project Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) SCI Bach Mai 2 SU : Bac Giang, Thanh Hoa Ha Tinh, Son La Capitaliz. Handover to MOH. Project end Congenital Differences (CD) Evaluation « Merging » CD and WTL Capitalization Duplication in 2 central provinces Transfer to MoH Welcome to Life (WTL) Evaluation « Merging » CD and WTL Transfer to province Project end Safe Roads for Better Life (SRBL) End Dong Nai TNA : NTSC+MOT NTSC/MOT + 2 prov. EU/SRBL Handover to MOT Project end Socio-eco Integration (SEI) Xplo mission SEI in Dong Nai Transfer to MoLISA Inclusive Education Make a comprehensi ve toolkit with UNESCO Duplication in 2 provinces Transfer to MoET HIV / Aids Capitaliz. Transfer to province Duplication in 2 prov. of BCC and VCT Transfer to MoH From Medical to Insertion Duplication / sustainability Transfer Experience TransferDuplication / sustainability Transfer Experience Transfer Duplication / sustainability ExperienceTransfe Experience Duplication / sustainability Transfer
Thanks for your attention Hen Gap Lai See you soon A bientôt