Your opportunities and who can help you Alison McGeechan Mick Burns Careers Advisers Skills Development Scotland
1. Self 2. Strengths 4. Networks 3. Horizons You The World of Work What you’re good at Who you are Being aware of the opportunities out there Being aware of who can help you Skills Development Scotland
The World of Work If your Horizons and Networks are limited… And Career Planning you can’t make informed decisions. Horizons and Networks Skills Development Scotland
The National Picture where school leavers go in Scotland Source: National School Leaver Destinations (Initial Destinations), , Skills Development Scotland Skills Development Scotland 27.8% 20.4% 1.3%
The Local Picture And what about your school? Source: National School Leaver Destinations (Initial Destinations), , Skills Development Scotland Skills Development Scotland
No. of jobs...or decline PresentFuturePast Industries grow Knowing which industries might grow can help you Skills Development Scotland
NetworksHorizons Being aware of the opportunities out there Skills Development Scotland
Your First Steps…. Training Study Employment or Self employment Skills Development Scotland
People you know Internet Careers Library My World of Work Places to find out about careers... Skills Development Scotland
Social Media Videos Articles Networking Skills Development Scotland
80% of jobs might not be advertised of jobs might not be advertised The hidden job market can be just as important as those vacancies that are advertised 80% And you can use your networks to access these... * Source: CareerAdviceOnline Up to
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So it’s not just a case of leaving school and going into a job. You need to know: Your horizons Your networks You also need to be well prepared... Skills Development Scotland
School Leavers How many employers thought that the school leavers they took on were well prepared for the world of work? 64% UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey 2011, Scotland Results. December 2012 Skills Development Scotland
Being well- prepared means... My World of Work Self Strengths Hidden Job Market ApplicationsC.V. Interviews Being well- prepared means...
Most people these days change jobs at various points in their lives These are just your first steps Skills Development Scotland
So what should you do now? Skills Development Scotland
The World of Work If you know your Horizons and Networks And Career Planning you can make informed decisions. Horizons and Networks Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland Support Career Coach My World of Work Facebook / Twitter In school SDS Local centre Modern Apprenticeships and other training opportunities Skills Development Scotland
My Plan Using what you have learned: Skills Development Scotland