Chapter 1
Type in URL to browse a web page
A search engine is a software program you can use to find web sites, web pages and files stored on the internet.
Most search engine sites provide directories of websites, which are classifications of web sites according to a set of topics such as entertainment, health, science and reference, etc.
»You may communicate with your friends through the Internet by means of electronic mails. »You can transmit text messages, sound, video and files as an .
»Open an program and type the message. »Click the Attach button to add attachment.
»Type the address of the recipient. »Click the Send button to send out the .
»Click Send/Recv button to receive s. »New s will be highlighted in display.
»Files can be shared through the Internet by means of: download pages
on-line storage sites
file transfer protocol (FTP) programs
»A video conference is a meeting between two or more geographically separated people who use the Internet or other computer networks to transmit audio and video data in the meeting.
»The setup of a video conference includes: microphone speakers video recorder video conferencing software
»E-Commerce business transactions that occur over an electronic network such as the Internet eliminates the barriers of time and distance that hinder traditional transactions
You may settle your banking needs through an Internet banking site.
You may conduct investments in securities using an on-line securities trading site.
»Business-to-Consumer (B2C) consists of the sale of products or services from a business to the consumers »Business-to-Business (B2B) consists of the sale and exchange of products and services between businesses
»Global market opened 24 hours a day »Reduced transaction costs »Fast feedback
»E-learning is… any form of learning that uses network technology such as the Internet for delivery, interaction or facilitation a kind of distance learning, in which learning materials are accessed through the Web
»Flexibility in learning education can take place anywhere anytime »Updated knowledge »Life- long learning »Customisable study can satisfy a person’s individual and immediate learning needs at his/her own pace and time »Cost-effective training
»Government services You can make inquiries, download data and forms, or request for services through the Internet.
»Government services Marriage registration provided in HKSAR web site Renewal service provided in public library web site
Most public utilities have set up their own web sites to provide timely information and services to the public. »Services offered by Public utilities E.g. customers can check their accounts and pay for utility bills on the Web
»Protect yourself from computer viruses A computer virus is a program that can replicate itself and spread from one computer to the next. The most common way that computers become infected with viruses is through attachments.
Spreading of virus through attachments
»Prevent unauthorised use of personal information try to encrypt your message before transmitting any personal information perform transactions that provide secure transaction functions
»Watch out for deception on the Internet To avoid being deceived, check a digital certificate issued by a trustworthy certificate authority.