Key Vocabulary and Historical Points Take notes in your journal The Victorian Period 1832-1901 Key Vocabulary and Historical Points Take notes in your journal
Warm Up With your partner, read “Think About…” (Holt 678) as a preview to the chapter. Then with your partner, discuss the question, “What did the Victorians have confidence in?” Each students writes their answer in their own journal.
Key Vocabulary (Take Notes-write down EVERYTHING) Progress: advance or development toward betterment. Middle class: society between lower and upper, including professional workers and their families. Aristocracy: the highest socioeconomic class Working class: class that is employed for wages, usually manual or industrial labor. Optimism: a tendency towards hopefulness and confidence.
Industrial Revolution Created towns, goods, wealth and jobs. Included gradual political reforms (political change)
The Ideas of Progress Progress meant a improvement in living conditions. The English Historian Macaulay proposed reforms because the cities were crowed and filthy.
The Hungry Forties The Depression of 1842 This was a time when 1.5 million people were unemployed. People were in need of help and food. There were poor working conditions. The potato famine Pollution and filth in the cities.
Reform Rallies were held to change the price of food and voting rights. Reform lead to improvements in diet -food prices dropped and people had more access to food.
Class System If you had gentility and decorum (showing refinement, elegance and good taste) you had a greater chance at success.
Education Daily life became more comfortable and the population became more literate. People believed that science and government could solve the world’s problems.
Interactive Reader Open your interactive reader to page 197. Follow the instructions on the following slides.
IR Page 197 Read the page then underline lines 16,17, 18 to identify the changes that resulted from the Industrial Revolution (Identify cause and effect)
Page 198 Read the entire page as a class. Paraphase-Macaulay thought that progress meant an improvement in ___________? Fill in the blanak with your partner. Draw Conclusions-The city was crowded, confusing and _______? Think of one more adjective to add. Clarify-How many people were unemployed? -write the answer under clarify.
Page 199 Read the page as a class. With your partner, what does emigrate mean? Write the answer under Word Study? Identify cause and effect- Underline the negative effects of the rapid city growth in lines 61, 65, 66, 67 and 69/70.
Page 200 Read the page as a class. Infer-circle why they people had rallies (lines 1-4) . Explain the reason for the rallies to your partner in your own words. Identify cause and effect- underline answer in line 87/88 and circle the answer in lines 88-90. Identify-with your partner list the three reforms under Identify.
Page 201 Read the page as a class. Word Study-Read Word Study and then talk to your partner about the class system (refer to your notes if you need to). Write your answer in your IR. Compare and Contrast-circle and underline your answer. Identify-underline the answers in lines 133-135. Check your answer with your partners.
Page 202 Read page as a class Infer-Write “As daily life became more comfortable and the population became literate, people had the ability and leisure to pursue knowledge”. With your partner, discuss what that answer means. Clarify-Look for the answer in lines 156-158. Check your answer with your partners. Share with the class. Identify-Underline the three questions/doubts in lines 160-165.
Page 203 Read page as a class. Word Study-Read Word Study then answer with your partner. Check your answer with the teacher. Identify Cause and Effect- circle the answer in lines 181, 182 and 183.
Page 204 Read page as a class. Generate Questions-with your partner, think of one question to ask about Dickens’s life or books. Pairs, share with the class. Word Study- underline the context clue that tells what transcendental means (lines 202 and 203) Identify-underline 3 answers (lines 211/212, line 213, lines 216-219).
Page 205 Read page as a class. Compare and Contrast-find the answer in lines 224-226. Write the answer in your own words. Clarify- Write the answer ”Victorian writers wanted to challenge or change their readers’ ideas and feelings about their lives and society”. With your partner, think of someone in our culture that does the same thing now. It can be a actor, musician, politician, author…Share the answers with the whole class.
Own your own and in your journal, make a T chart and List two social and political milestones from the Victorian Era. Two Social Milestones 1) 2) Two Political Milestones 1) 2)