U Strategic Plan Panel Really Unusually Ready to Accept Life
Organization Name Brief introduction to network/characteristics –501(c)3 not for profit corporations –Board of Directors –Committee structure –Monthly Board/Executive Committee meetings with 2 Annual Meetings 1. Review/Approval of Policy 2. Strategic Planning
Organization Name Noteworthy history/background 12 years of arguments and confrontations STRATEGIC PLANNING Initiated out of a funding reduction and paradigm shift Challenge to make a difference
Organization Name Made up of Partners/Stakeholders –Involved in building healthcare workforce UT UT Jackson, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis
Organization Name Funding sources –Primarily Medicaid GME funding through contracts with the medical schools –Small grants/contracts with the RHAT & TPCA for educational purposes –HRSA
Strategic Planning Process IN THE BEGINNING God created…. –THE BOARD –TASK FORCES –Over 80 people establishing activities –Speaker to motivate –call to action Formation of Committees 2 Day Retreat of Executive Committee with external Facilitator and mounds of snacks Annual Day Long Board RETREAT
Mission Statement The mission of the TN Rural Partnership is to assist in the recruitment, referral, placement and retention of healthcare providers in rural and underserved areas of Tennessee. to assist in the recruitment, placement and retention of healthcare providers in rural and underserved areas of Tennessee.
TRP Vision Our vision is to provide quality, comprehensive, and reliable information on practice opportunities to health professionals and assist them in responding to practice opportunities of interest, providing consistent, reliable and quality services to rural and under-served communities in Tennessee.
Values Our values are to: ensure the information provided communities and health professionals is consistent, reliable, helpful and addresses their needs; evaluate and improve services through the use of surveys and outcomes measures; and, ensure high ethical and moral standards in appropriate responsive service delivery.
Corporate Goals The Rural Partnership will enhance the provision of quality health care in rural and underserved communities in Tennessee one relationship at a time. –by increasing access to healthcare for rural and underserved citizens in Tennessee by matching providers; –by increasing the supply of health professionals in rural and underserved areas in Tennessee by educating the pool; –by assisting rural and underserved communities in defining specific healthcare provider needs and by identifying strategies & educating both to address those needs; and –by offering a cost alternative to better match communities experiencing demand with appropriate health care providers. Big Picture DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CORPORATE & STRATEGIC PLAN
Goal #1. Program Outcomes: Increase the # of successful placements Place x# of providers in rural/underserved areas Develop/enhance incentives/awareness –Stipend program and ROTATIONS Maintain the “tool” for assessing community healthcare workforce needs (Demand Assessment) Create/Maintain tracking system –Students and residents
GOAL#2. DIVERSIFY FUNDING: TO INCREASE REVENUE SOURCES FOR EXPANDED SERVICES To research and identify sources of funding for the existing activities to expand and for new disciplines To submit appropriate proposals for new grant resources to support components of the mission
Goal #3: Partnerships: TO LEVERAGE RELATIONSHIPS FOR THE MUTUAL BENEFIT OF OUR PARTNERS AND TRP Concentrate on and maintain the strong relationship with the schools/residency programs especially Family Medicine Continue proactive communication (verbal/electronic/physical) with all stakeholders/partners to clarify and evaluate expectations Enhance opportunities for networking, education and incentive supports
Goal #4 - Branding: TO ENSURE THE “BRAND” FOR TRP IDENTIFIES WHAT WE ARE & BELIEVE AS A SERVICE Make the website user friendly Make the website and all correspondence Candidate –Centered Emphasize rural and underserved SERVICE not a recruitment firm
How the TRP strategic plan differs from the Network grant work plan TRP Strategic Plan Corporate document –Purpose understood –Jointly developed –Annual update –Monthly progress report TRP Network Work Plan Initially included into the CORPORATE Plan –within one goal and objective –Currently Becoming intertwined and immersed –Actually integrated into every part of the Corporate Plan
Keeping the plan alive! Goals within the TRP Strategic Plan Evaluated monthly with the Encounter report Reported monthly to Executive Committee with the CEO report TRP Strategic plan revisited at least annually or if significant components change
Value of Strategic Planning Process organizational benefits: ( rural terms) 1.“in the midst of the covey rise…” 2.Partners with different hats - +s and -s 3.Evaluation of the home range 4.Analysis of the “calf crop” 5.Insuring biological diversity 6.Enhancing “dowsing”
Lessons Learned Sharing your wisdom and practical advice Really Unusually Ready to Accept Life Create “seed stock” Build the bench Insure Selection Harvest Conduct regular SAPs “fallow” is rare but allowable Never allow dormancy “saved and satisfied”
Thank you For more information, contact:: Cindy Siler