J-RAC Overview Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of J-RAC
Objectives Provide brief history of TSA J-RAC Discuss J-RAC Mission Discuss New Reporting Tools Explain how these tools increase the J-RAC participants ability to fulfill the Mission Share Information Increase Knowledge
History In 1992 the Texas Board of Health divided the state into 22 Trauma Service Areas (TSA’s). Each TSA formed a Regional Advisory Council (RAC) Each RAC was chartered by the Texas Department of Health Bureau of Emergency Management to develop, implement, and monitor regional emergency services and to oversee trauma system networking.
J-RAC Participants Participants are Hospitals / Acute care providers, Emergency Medical Service providers, Public Health and other agencies working to ensure the health and safety of their communities. 17 counties are included in TSA J-RAC
Mission The Texas "J" Regional Advisory Council shall encourage and support the development of a comprehensive continuum of quality health care to be provided for all patients in Trauma Service Area "J". Our goal is to fully implement a regional trauma system in order to reduce the number of trauma incidents, preventable deaths, and reduce the severity of trauma-related disability, and to make sure that all Texas trauma victims receive the best care possible. Saving lives through coordination, communication and education.
Mission Coordination: Sharing of Resources, Maintaining / Creating Alliances Communication: External / Internal, Vertical / Horizontal, Written, Spoken & Electronic Education: Ensure Professional Competency, Community Focused, Needs Based
Reporting Tools Excel Spreadsheet Drop Down Menus Standardized format Streamlined, efficient reporting process
Linking Tools to the Mission Organize data Analyze data Determine needs based on empirical data
Linking Tools to the Mission Make informed decisions Support those informed decisions Track the efficacy of those decisions over time
Summary Provided history of the J-RAC Increased awareness of J-RAC Mission Discussed reporting tools Linked tools to J-RAC Mission Shared Information Increased Knowledge