Target Participants Beginning Basic Education CASAS: Reading ; Math TABE: Reading ; Math Low/High Beginning ESL CASAS Reading 181 – 200 Other Characteristics: Desire to work. Little or no work experience. May require assistance securing stable employment or even income supports before ready for a bridge program. Features Intentional focus on work content by embedding work skills in ABE/ESL coursework. Demonstrated learning through simulations and practice of work skills. Intentional focus on cultural/soft skills needed to be successful in a career path. Exposure to authentic work sites. Bridge Prep Program Model
This video illustrates a culminating activity for an English Language Learning 2 class. In this activity, adults play the role of landlord and renter to demonstrate learning within the context of the rental transaction. Bridge Prep - Example
Target Participants Low Intermediate Basic Education CASAS Reading ; Math TABE Reading ; Math Low/High Intermediate ESL CASAS Reading Other Characteristics: Some work experience. Desire to improve basic skills to advance to a better job. Need to gain awareness of occupational sector opportunities and career pathway education and employment. Features Basic reading (meaning), writing (sentences), speaking (workplace vocabulary), and math (computation) taught in context of a variety of occupational sectors. Exploration of industry-specific vocabulary and skills with demonstration of learning through simulations. Build workplace communication and technology skills. Job placement or job retention assistance. Intentional soft skill training Suggested Characteristics Bridge I Program Model
This course is an example of Bridge I work within an English Language Learning course. Career Exploration for ELL 3/4 is for learners who are interested in finding a new career (job). This course gives an introduction to the 8 adult career pathways in this ABE region. Learners will study the basic ideas and language needed for these occupational prep classes. Learners will also do general career exploration activities. They will learn how to get important information about jobs such as education and skills required, salary, and availability, etc. They will learn how to look for jobs and think about their own skills and job preferences. Learners will also visit different work places to learn more about the career they are studying. Career Exploration Unit (Bridge I) leads to Occupational Prep Course (Bridge II) Health……………………………….Nursing Assistant Prep Course Transportation…………………….Commercial Drivers License Course Manufacturing……………………..Medical Assembly Course Child Care………………………….Child Development Course Food Industry (Food Prep)………ServSafe License Course Janitorial/Maintenance…………..Boiler License Course Construction)……………………...Intro to Building Trades Course Green Jobs )……………………….Possible future course: Prep for Green Jobs Instructional and support materials that build English language, technology, work and soft skills within career-specific units available at Bridge I Example
Bridge II Program Model Target Participants High Intermediate Basic Education CASAS Reading ; Math TABE Reading 518 – 566; Math 506 – 565 High Intermediate ESL CASAS Reading 211 – 220 Other Characteristics: With or without HS diploma/GED. Some work history; demonstrated motivation; desire to enter target occupational sector. Deemed “Employable” (for MFIP/Work Benefit participants) as indicated by state screening tool: Employability Measures Declared interest to pursue postsecondary technical training or education Required Program Elements Course(s) developed with partners, including employers and workforce development Course(s) designed in partnership between ABE and MnSCU CTE instructors Course(s) delivered by ABE Provides foundational skills in reading, writing and math within identified occupational or sector context Introduces foundational concepts within a specific career pathway or pathways Course(s) linked directly to Integrated Program
Bridge II Program Model Features Basic reading (reading for information), writing (paragraphs), speaking (presentations), math (pre-algebra), and computer applications (word processing, spreadsheet, presentation software) taught in the context of an occupational sector Training in industry-specific vocabulary and technical fundamentals taught using workplace problems and tools and material from introductory college- level classes Learn success skills (education and employment), including note-taking, study habits, time management, financial literacy, and test-taking Build digital literacy skills and readiness for online learning systems (D2L, Learner Web, etc) Job shadowing and internships Goals Provide higher level instruction in basic skills (reading, communication, applied math) integrated with teaching of basic occupation-specific technical skills Prepare for college occupational certificate and degree program
Bridge II Example - ServSafe A ServSafe certificate is awarded to those who pass the exam, which in turn is used to obtain a state license as a Certified Food Manager (CFM). Information about the Minnesota CFM license is available at Instructors teaching ServSafe must be certified by the National Restaurant Association. The ServSafe exam can be administered at any site by an instructor or staff person certified as a proctor by the National Restaurant Association. Information on become certified as an instructor and/or proctor is available at ServSafe can serve as a bridge to employment or to further postsecondary study. Opportunities for an integrated course include Culinary Assistant Certification or Food & Restaurant Management Certification courses. ServSafe is a course of study with textbooks and core instructional materials provided by the National Restaurant Association. Their materials are available for purchase at The ServSafe course leads to a national ServSafe exam. ABE Materials for this course are at
Integrated Instruction Target Participants Low/High Adult Secondary Education CASAS Reading 236 – 246+ ; Math 236 – 246+ TABE Reading 567 – 596+ ; Math 566 – 595+ Advanced ESL CASAS Reading 221 – 235 Accuplacer score for Career & Technical Education by completion of Integrated course Other Characteristics: HS diploma/GED complete or nearly complete. Some work history; readiness to take on independent learning required in college level coursework. Completion of bridge program or demonstration of experience/knowledge of occupational sector. Required Program Elements Shared development of integrated course outcomes – CTE course outcomes remain the same; ABE course outcomes are developed to support successful completion of CTE course outcomes Shared instruction – ABE and CTE instructors working together in the classroom at least 50% of the time using a variety of teaching strategies Shared student – the student is in both ABE and MnSCU systems Courses are in programs that build toward certificates, diplomas, and/or degrees and lead to employment in high demand, high growth industries Integrated Program model used for at least the first 6 credits in the career pathway Integrated Instruction model used in introductory “gateway” courses that embed in multiple certificate pathways
Integrated Instruction Features Previewing and reinforcing skill concepts facilitated by ABE instructor Instructional support by ABE instructor during part of the skills training course Support with college and employment success skills, including technology, study habits, time management, and communication Placement into career pathway employment; continued counseling for career growth Training strategies should reflect the needs of both workers and employers; for example, integrating high school completion with certificate, diploma or degree coursework Goals For program: Provide support in basic education (reading, communication, applied math) and college success skills integrated with teaching of occupation-specific technical skills For adult: Complete community college occupational certificate, diploma, degree program; obtain employment
Integrated Instruction Example – Medical Office Career Pathway Recruit learners, provide funding, host internships Recruit learners, provide funding and support services Facilitate project, coordinate progress meeting, provide technical support & networking Ensure bridge course connects; support integrated course Guide course development and implementation
Postsecondary Credential A Certificate, diploma, or degree Diplomas and degrees are awarded by institutions of higher education. Certificates are awarded in recognition of an individual’s attainment of technical or occupational skills by: – A state agency responsible for administering vocational and technical education within a state. – An institution of higher education – A professional, industry, or employer organization using a valid and reliable assessment of an individual’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. – A registered apprenticeship program. – A public regulatory agency, upon an individual’s fulfillment of educational, work experience, or skill requirements that are legally necessary for an individual to use an occupational or professional title.
Integrated Support Systems Services include social supports needed to complete a program, including, but not limited to –basic needs –housing, –childcare –transportation –crisis intervention, –social service navigation, –work experience, etc., Comprehensive support services enhance planning and informed decision making and increase success in achieving both education and employment goals, including, but not limited to –Career advising –Work experience –Job placement and retention services These services provided throughout the pathway by Workforce Development, Employers, Community Based Organizations, Human Services, or other partners
Educationally Underprepared Adults Employers Community & Technical Colleges and Other Postsecondary Institutions Community Based Organizations Workforce Development Adult Basic Education Adapted from Women employed with Chicago Jobs Council and UIC Great Cities Institute,. “Women Employed.” Bridges to Careers for Low-Skilled Adults: A Program Development Guide. Women Employed Institute, Web 2 Apr FastTRAC Benefits:
For Educationally Underprepared Adults Help for individuals who want to advance to career path job but lack the necessary basic skills. Exposure to a broad range of jobs, careers, and education opportunities. Access to postsecondary occupational education. Counseling to help with career and education planning and overcoming barriers to success. Facilitated contacts and connections to the labor market, employers, and specific jobs. Support services to remove barriers to successful career pathway education and employment Adapted from Women employed with Chicago Jobs Council and UIC Great Cities Institute,. “Women Employed.” Bridges to Careers for Low-Skilled Adults: A Program Development Guide. Women Employed Institute, Web 2 Apr FastTRAC Benefits
For Employers Increased input into certification courses offered in their industry in their region. Source of workers who are qualified for high-level semi-skilled and entry-level skilled jobs and are prepared to advance. Improved productivity resulting from a qualified workforce. Adapted from Women employed with Chicago Jobs Council and UIC Great Cities Institute,. “Women Employed.” Bridges to Careers for Low-Skilled Adults: A Program Development Guide. Women Employed Institute, Web 2 Apr FastTRAC Benefits
For Community & Technical Colleges and Other Postsecondary Institutions “Feeders” of qualified and motivated students to occupational certificate and degree programs; Preparation of students who come to college with inadequate basic skills to succeed in college-level courses. Improved retention, graduation rates, and job-placement outcomes, particularly among underrepresented students. Faculty in credit programs can focus on college-level material rather than developing students’ basic skills. Clear way to show the connection between a college’s multiple missions. Adapted from Women employed with Chicago Jobs Council and UIC Great Cities Institute,. “Women Employed.” Bridges to Careers for Low-Skilled Adults: A Program Development Guide. Women Employed Institute, Web 2 Apr FastTRAC Benefits
For Community Based Organizations Help community members advance to college-level occupational education, which has become the gateway to career pathway employment. Effective response to community need for economic development. Role as equal partner in development and delivery of adult career pathway program. Adapted from Women employed with Chicago Jobs Council and UIC Great Cities Institute,. “Women Employed.” Bridges to Careers for Low-Skilled Adults: A Program Development Guide. Women Employed Institute, Web 2 Apr FastTRAC Benefits
For Workforce Development Job connected training and advancement opportunities for one-stop career center clients. Response to the mismatch between employers demands for motivated workers with strong basic skills and basic skills deficiencies among large segments of the workforce. Use of existing infrastructure to meet employers’ hiring needs in sectors of importance to regional economies. Meet High Performance Measure of increasing postsecondary credential attainment with Workforce Investment Act participants. Adapted from Women employed with Chicago Jobs Council and UIC Great Cities Institute,. “Women Employed.” Bridges to Careers for Low-Skilled Adults: A Program Development Guide. Women Employed Institute, Web 2 Apr FastTRAC Benefits
For Adult Basic Education Motivation and retention of students – increase in number of students completing programs. Ease in meeting ABE accountability measures while providing contextualized, authentic skill training. Recognition of key role ABE plays in economic prosperity for a region. Adapted from Women employed with Chicago Jobs Council and UIC Great Cities Institute,. “Women Employed.” Bridges to Careers for Low-Skilled Adults: A Program Development Guide. Women Employed Institute, Web 2 Apr FastTRAC Benefits