NeedsContributesLacks Mother Placenta Fetus Progesterone LDL Cholesterol Adequate synthetic capacity Estrone (for progesterone and estrogens) Estradiol Estriol 3β-hydoxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) Aromatase (P-450 arom ) Adequate cholesterol capacity 17α-hydroxylase (for estrone and estradiole synthesis) 17,20-desmolase (for estrone and estradiole synthesis) 16α-hydoxylase (for estriol synthesis) 17α-hydroxylase (for estrone and estradiole synthesis) 17,20-desmolase (for estrone and estradiole synthesis) 16α-hydoxylase (for estriol synthesis) 3β-hydoxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) Aromatase (P-450arom)