SHPE Jr. Chapters 101
Agenda 1Introduction to SHPE Jr. Chapters 2How to Start a SHPE Jr. Chapter 3How to Complete the SHPE Jr. Chapter Charter 4SHPE Foundation Support 5SHPE Jr. Chapter Activities 6SHPE Jr. Chapter Pre and Post Surveys 7NAVAIR Funding Explained 8Monthly SHPE Jr. Chapter Highlights 9Q & A
Formal level of membership for pre-college students Coordinated by SHPE Professional and Student Chapters to provide ongoing programming and mentorship Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) has committed to sponsoring 20 SHPE Jr. Chapters and 20 Noches de Ciencias at the high school level in 2014 Introduction SHPE Jr. Chapters
How to Start a SHPE Jr. Chapter
1.SHPE Chapter members read SHPE Jr. Chapter Implementation Plan 2.SHPE Chapter submits proposal to SHPE Foundation 3.Create SHPE Jr. Chapter Committee within SHPE Chapter 4.Elect SHPE Jr. Chapter Representative 5.Secure endorsement from school administrators & recruit advisor 6.Elect SHPE Jr. Chapter Executive Board 7.Conduct pre-survey (for NAVAIR sponsored chapters) 8.Implement SHPE Jr. Chapter activities 9.Submit charter application 10.Submit monthly highlights to SHPE Foundation 11.Submit post-survey (for NAVAIR sponsored chapters) How to Start a SHPE Jr. Chapter
Roles & Responsibilities SHPE Jr. Chapter SHPE Professional or Student Chapter SHPE Chapter Representative SHPE Foundation School Administration SHPE Jr. Chapter Advisor Executive Board SHPE Jr. Chapter Members
How to Complete the SHPE Jr. Chapter Charter
1.SHPE Jr. Chapter Charter Application Including budget and calendar of events 2.Sponsor Letter from Hosting SHPE Chapter 3.SHPE Jr. Chapter Bylaws 4.10 Membership Application Forms Photographic Consent and Release Form Liability Release, Parent Permission and Emergency Contact Form How to Complete SHPE Jr. Chapter Charter
Role of the SHPE Foundation
Support provided to SHPE Chapters SHPE Jr. Chapter curriculum every month STEM activities College preparation Soft skills training Webinar Trainings to implement curriculum Logistical Support Sample Communications Support for Charter Completion SHPE Jr. Chapter Recognition Communicate with funding sources Oversee funding for SHPE Chapters
SHPE Jr. Chapter Activities
Activities Required Activities Monthly meetings / mentoring and tutoring During academic year following topics must be covered: STEM activities, college preparation, soft skills training FAFSA Training Workshop University Tour Suggested Activities Industry tour Noche de Ciencias Participate in local science fairs / competitions
Webinar Schedule DateContent April 2014May Activities May 2014June Activities June 2014July Activities July 2014August Activities August 2014September Activities September 2014October Activities October 2014November Activities November 2014December Activities December 2014January Activities January 2015February Activities February 2015March Activities March 2015April Activities April 2015May Activities 13
SHPE Jr. Chapter Evaluation (NAVAIR Funded SHPE Jr. Chapters) SHPE Jr. Chapter Pre-Surveys must be completed at your next SHPE Jr. Chapter Meeting and submitted to SHPE Foundation ASAP
Why should I care about evaluation? 1. To know if this program is making an impact 2. To learn how we can improve the program 3. To show the funder that we are making a difference in the lives of students and parents
1. Visit SHPE Jr. Chapter Resource Page to print pre and post surveys 2. Distribute and collect all pre surveys at first (or next) meeting 4. OR Scan pre- surveys and upload them to Dropbox or attach to an (preferred) 5. Distribute and collect post-surveys 6. Send post- surveys to SHPE Foundation through post or electronically How to do the Evaluation: 6 Easy Steps! 3. Send hard copy pre- surveys to SHPE Foundation through post Remember to explain to the SHPE Jr. Chapter members why the surveys are important
Frequently Asked Questions No. Just send SHPE Foundation the original survey No! Just give them to us and we’ll handle it 1) Dropbox – big file sharing software (easiest) 2) – attach them as files to an 3) Send the paper surveys through post 1. “Do I have to make copies of the completed surveys?” 2. “Do I have to do any data entry myself?” 3. “How should I send the surveys to SHPE?”
NAVAIR Funding Explained
NAVAIR Funding Synopsis $250 Seed Funding for SHPE Jr. Chapter Receipts must be provided to SHPE Foundation no later than September 1, 2014 Follow allowable cost guidelines Ideas for purchases Materials for activities, food for meetings, transportation for university tours $375 Stipend for both SHPE Jr. Chapter Advisor and SHPE Jr. Chapter Representative Stipend to compensate for time and expenses serving in these high responsibility roles (i.e – gas mileage, cell phone costs, etc.) Receipts are not necessary, money goes directly to the SHPE Jr. Chapter Representative and SHPE Jr. Chapter Advisor
Allowable Expenses Food for attendees and volunteers during the event (must be reasonable – i.e. pizza, sandwiches, cookies) Note – tips are not reimbursed Rental of facilities Rental of equipment Materials for activities Transportation costs for SHPE Jr. Chapter members for university/corporate tours Note – tips are not reimbursed Incentives for SHPE Jr. Chapter Participation (value must not exceed $25 for each item) Approved incentives: Backpacks, tote bags, duffel bags, equipment bags Padfolios Pens Stationary Notebooks, binders, and folders Planners Cube pads/Post-its USB Flash Drives Calculators Gift Cards
Unallowable Expenses Costs of entertainment (including amusement, diversion, and social activities and any costs directly associated with said activities) Clothing (T-shirts, hoodies, etc.) Any form of tip or gratuity Volunteer compensation Unreasonable incentives (value exceeds $25 each). Please refer to the list of allowable expenses. Promotional materials for SHPE or SHPE Chapters. Note – promotional materials specific to SHPE Jr. Chapter are allowable. Shipping Costs of materials (Exception – if purchasing materials online, online shipping and handling costs are approved)
Financial Resources for SHPE Jr. Chapters Seed Funding For new SHPE Jr. Chapters in Region 2 & 7 Noche de Ciencias Funds to cover materials and supplies Check Noche de Ciencias webpage for updates on open funding application periods Advancing Careers in Engineering (ACE) Grants For SHPE Student and Professional Chapter and SHPE Jr. Chapter Members Chapter proposals for academic year accepted January 2014 Chapters conduct educational activities with K-12 students Fundraising To ensure continued support for SHPE Jr. Chapter National office to fundraise to five year strategic plan Chapter may raise additional funds through: Local businesses College/ university support Bake sales, other fundraisers Corporate regional fundraisers 22
Monthly SHPE Jr. Chapter Highlights
Each hosting SHPE University or Professional Chapter is required to submit monthly highlights on the 10 th of every month (i.e – you will submit a highlight for April’s activities on or before May 10 th ) Purpose of Highlights: Record chapter activities Provide feedback to the SHPE Jr. Chapter & SHPE Foundation to conduct better activities Demonstrate to sponsors how their support is being utilized Provide an opportunity for SHPE Jr. Chapters to showcase accomplishments Opportunity to be featured in the SHPE Jr. Chapter Newsletter SHPE Jr. Chapter Monthly Highlights Note: Failure to submit complete reports will preclude the hosting SHPE Professional and University Chapter from being able to apply for or receive funding from the SHPE Foundation or SHPE, Inc.
Participation agreement must be submitted to be eligible for funding Confirm SHPE Jr. Chapter Advisor and Representative If any information has changed since proposal submission please inform the SHPE Foundation All SHPE Jr. Chapter Resources are located on the page below: Reminders
Contact Us SHPE Foundation 1444 Duke St. Alexandria, VA Danielle Carneiro Program Manager ext. 202 Stacie Freasier Foundation Manager ext. 204 Ariadna Mahon-Santos Program Coordinator ext. 203