Kinghorn Loch Men’s Shed “The Tool Shed”
Why we started a Men’s Shed To give older men more choice of meaningful activities after retirement To develop the skills of younger volunteers To provide support community groups To reduce waste and recycle
Tool Shed Officer Trip to Southampton
Tools IN Freegle/ Freecycle Appeals in local press The Ecology Centre website Community Groups Word of mouth
Tools OUT Sent to Africa through Tools for Self Reliance Used by other volunteers working at The Ecology Centre Given to local community groups, schools and nurseries Fundraising to keep the group going
what we are doing COLLECTING TOOLS Hundreds of donations have been collected REFURBISHING TOOLS workshops are now running three times a week volunteers have contributed over 4,000 hours to The Tool Shed since March 2011 BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS Fife Elderly Forum Link Living Primary & secondary Schools Playgroups & nurseries Allotment holders and growing projects Rotary Club Tools for Self Reliance Local colleges presentations given to 20 community groups Greener Kirkcaldy ProjectScotland Saltire Awards Fife Voluntary Action etc etc ACT AS MENTORS Interactive mentoring training with ProjectScotland 31 young (under 21yrs) people have worked in the Tool Shed learning new skills from the experienced volunteers
what is happening? Older people are noting an increase in their wellbeing and physical activity 9/10 people have reported an increase in wellbeing 10/10 have reported an increase in physical activity “The hill is starting to get a wee bit smaller!” “My blood pressure has dropped to nearly normal since I started coming here”
Older volunteers feel valued and have increased self esteem through meaningful volunteering and intergenerational learning One volunteer has undertaken PAT testing training and is now working part- time self employed One has secured employment in a marina workshop while another has returned to work as a youth support worker Volunteers have taken on responsibilities for various area of The Tool Shed “I feel like I’m not on the Scrap Heap yet” “Its good to get out of the house and do something useful”
Older male volunteers have more opportunities to develop social connections around mutual interests after retirement Joining in on Friday lunches Getting involved in other activities the Centre Hosting Scotland wide Tool Network Days Making contact with each other outside of the workshop sessions Genuine friendships have been built up, sending postcards, exchanging gifts, sharing lifts etc
Younger volunteers are learning new skills and feel more ‘work ready’ 31 younger volunteers have spent almost 1,000 hours working with older volunteers in the Tool Shed. At least 18 of these have now secured paid employment At least 6 of these have gone on to college “Norman taught me loads of stuff about health and safety and that was what got me my job” “I’ve learnt to listen more” “I showed Jim how to use his ipad, I kent mair than I realised”
And a final word from Bill……