J P rogrammes oint Module 5 Communication within the Workflow of Joint Programmes
J P rogrammes oint UNDAF Results Matrix Donors Government Programme Officer Programme staff develop JP details JP Implemented Head of Agency Steering Committee formalised UNCT Steering Committee Oversees the JP Steering Committee conceptualised Communication in the Joint Programme Workflow
J P rogrammes oint UNDAF and the results matrix Contact with Government and Donors Inter-Agency communication & programme development Steering Committee Joint programme instruments External communication and joint programme visibility Key areas where communication influences joint programme workflow
J P rogrammes oint UNDAF and the results matrix Contact with Government and Donors The style of writing and the layout will affect the ability to extract the information from the UNDAF A harmonised approach with a well structured Concept Note will reduce the possibility for assumptions and give the UN credit for talking with One Voice Ensure all agencies identified for a targeted JP are clear on their functions before approaching the government and possible donors. Consider developing a Concept Note for this message
J P rogrammes oint Inter-Agency and partner communication & programme development Agencies are working jointly and independently to define their own accountability All accountabilities for all partners to be defined in great detail All UN Agencies to harmonise their approach to the government so as not to overburden them Approach to donors harmonised to ensure that the UN is speaking with one voice and the message is clear. Questions to ask when reviewing: Who will do what? When will it be done? How much will it cost? Has it been budgeted for? Reviewing the drafted instruments and agreements prior to signature Look where assumptions replace fact
J P rogrammes oint Steering Committee SC is the communication channel for all inter-partner exchanges Ensure SC meets with an agenda and there are minutes to follow Joint programme instruments The wording of the instruments and detail created will be the backbone of the programme
J P rogrammes oint External communication and joint programme visibility All communication given to press or beneficiaries must be a shared statement. Always acknowledge the government, the donors, each UN Agency involved, in an equal manner Message and brand harmonization for all partners and donors must agreed upon Always focus on the benefits of joint programmes, including lower transaction costs and more effective programme delivery in all external communication.
J P rogrammes oint End Module 5 Joint Programmes are team work if one agency cannot deliver its part Another agency may not be able to deliver their part Work Together Communication is the Key